Practical Genius

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Book: Practical Genius by Gina Amaro Rudan, Kevin Carroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Amaro Rudan, Kevin Carroll
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Study Yourself
    Take time to study yourself. Deeply investigate what makes you you. Be mindful not to edit this body of knowledge; just accept it, all of it—the good, the bad, the needs-improvement areas, and, most important, the fun spaces in your life that have been neglected. Build the knowledge of self-understanding about what you love, how you want to live, and what you can’t live without. Become an expert in you . It’s difficult to understand your full potential if you haven’t studied yourself thoroughly. So get to it!
    Explore your possibilities. Over the course of this book, I want you to indulge your curiosities. Google the activities you are curious about but haven’t dared to try. Try something new. Plan an escapade. You can’t go about identifying your genius without a shot of adventure, so please don’t sit still while you turn the pages of this book. Do one small thing everyday, even if it’s just walking your dog on a completely new route. The idea is to get your head outside itself and stimulate your senses through dashes of adventure. Over time the outcome will be increased self-awareness and a better idea of who you really are and what you have the potential of unleashing within yourself. Dare to discover something new about yourself.
    When you bring opposites together or juxtapose things, magic happens. Bring the unlikely together in your life, and experiment. For example, take a painting class during your lunch break. Read a book in a category you know nothing about. Venture into a grocery store in a diverse neighborhood you have never ventured into and buy something you’ve never eaten before. Become a lab rat for your own transformation, one small experiment at a time.
    In order to discover new truths about your genius, you must play more. This can mean carving out time for adult play, such as golf or a night out at the ballet, or really diving into playtime with your children. Play every day. Develop play habits. Jump rope. Skip down your driveway. Dress up with your children or fly a kite. I have a friend who plays like this: she gets her kids to open the phone book and randomly choose a name. Then they take turns making up a whole tale around the name, complete with physical description, an elaborate backstory, and a crazy misadventure the person must endure. This kind of play never fails to limber and lighten you up. Play is critical to the pursuit of genius. Whatever play looks like to you, do it.
    Always on the hunt for geniuses whose hard and soft assets mix elegantly, I was tickled to meet Mariano, a true practical genius. Mariano is an Argentine musician and IT executive who has found his other G-spot, the place where the professional and the personal get serious together.
    “I moved to London three years ago, and it was only in a new country that I gave myself permission to be one Mariano rather than the two people I was in Argentina. I had been a high-level IT wonk by day and a raging musician by night, and those two worlds never met. I didn’t realize that this divide was pulling me into a depression. It was only when I moved to London and made the decision to connect the most important parts of myself that my life completely opened up for me in ways I never ever imagined possible. I outed my creative side at my company and began to use my creative assets to expand my ITlife. This called for me to take a more relaxed approach to my work life, and the change was dramatic. My quality of life improved, my work productivity went through the roof, and my music really began to evolve. By consciously bringing together all of the assets related to my work and creative life, everything I did became more intense and colorful, and more rewarding, too.
    “For example, performing and sharing my music with large audiences gave me greater confidence sharing, presenting, and

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