the fire was no accident. It was determined that the cause of the deadly blaze was arson, though there were no witnesses to an untraceable suspect – a ghost. Upon hearing the news, Daniel Stirvin resolved to commit his life to country and law.
Unable to gain an education in his poor circumstance, Daniel decided to enlist in the Royal Navy, where he felt the law was most respected; where he might contribute to his cause by some small means. Assigned to The Northern Star, under the command of Captain Cypress, Daniel spent the next several years learning the life of a true sailor.
Rising in rank and authority, Daniel became well-seasoned and valued among his crew. He soon took the position of second mate, something that people of his social class were rarely able to do. While serving as second mate, Daniel’s leadership and heroic actions in battle caught the attention of Admiral Grey Flynn, commander over the entire fleet. Daniel had long since admired Admiral Flynn and wished to one day sail under his direct command.
Admiral Flynn’s first mate soon died in a skirmish off the coast of Port Lorne, creating a valuable vacancy of leadership. After much discussion with his officers and Captain Cypress, Admiral Flynn pursued King William’s authorization, eventually extending the offer to Daniel, to fill that vacancy.
The Crimson Reef was a powerful and impressive Man-O-War and longtime battle-scarred vessel, weighing almost a thousand tons, baring three large masts, carrying forty mounted guns and holding a crew in an excess of one hundred and fifty brave men.
Supporting his widowed mother, who lost her husband over the past year to a whaling incident, Daniel accepted the call with urgency. Tweed, second mate aboard the Crimson Reef, grew bitter knowing he should have been selected as first mate by right of his position. Instead, it would be Daniel’s wage that would see the increase. Tweed would have to wait until Daniel was either promoted to Captain or dead before he might advance to such a position. Tweed was mostly respected but his unfavorable looks, being like that of a hairy elf, walking with a funny hobble due to a recent but petty brawl, often hindered his advancement.
Most important to Daniel, when considering the offer, was his desire to court the daughter of Count Spencer, a wealthy aristocratic socialite who, up until this offer of high esteem was granted by King William, would not allow such a courtship. Over the previous few months Daniel had repeatedly petitioned Count Spencer for the opportunity to call on Katherine, his only daughter. Though Count Spencer was close to Daniel and appreciated his longtime friendship to Nathan, his eldest son, who ran in more vile circles, he would not allow a suitor of such low status to court his daughter. But, Daniel was persistent.
With the King’s personal endorsement of Daniel’s high-ranking position, Count Spencer did finally consent, allowing Daniel and Katherine to begin a respectfulcourtship. But, testing the endurance of their relationship, Daniel was obliged to stay in the King’s service under Admiral Flynn, traveling abroad for months at a time.
Having lost many a good sailor in the same skirmish that left him without a first mate, Admiral Flynn was in need of a few more hands. Unwilling to take from the other vessel’s in his innumerable fleet, Admiral Flynn pulled into port, ordering Daniel to take a few men into town and, whether drunk or sober, sign ten strong and willing into service.
“And if too many are unwilling?” asked Daniel. “What then, Admiral?”
“Press them into joining if need be,” ordered Admiral Flynn with a straight and callus expression, always exceptionally serious and unbending. “If force is the only option, then force we shall use. If our duty to protect King and Country require certain laws on land to be broken, those very duties then supersede even the highest of these laws. Besides, Daniel, if it were up to me,
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