Poisonous Desires
few people who could sell any drugs in the first place. But this Katnip thing….” He shook his head. “It started a few weeks ago, a few deaths to start with, but when the Werewolf Summit started up, things got worse. I’ve had to toss people in jail or hide them in the DC Rehab Center to get some counseling. Once I shut down one dealer, two more pop up. I have a lead, but it’s tentative and sticky.”
    Nadia frowned; her stomach flipped. She flagged down her waiter for a mint mocha with extra whipped cream. “Okay, spill.” She wouldn’t ask about the rehab center, not yet anyway.
    “Okay, there are these werewolves’ wives who want to do a bake sale, but they also want to lace them with Katnip . I don’t know why, but I’ve made them believe that I’m the only game in town.” Rex began to eat.
    Nadia let the info turn over in her head. “Why would werewolves want to lace their baked goods with Katnip ? It has no effect on them.”
    Rex chuckled. “Yeah, but this bake sale isn’t going to be for the wolves, it’s going to be selling to the felines and other paranormal species as well as to humans.”
    Nadia frowned. “Why? And why baked goods?” She had an idea, but she didn’t want to give Rex something about her that Urban didn’t have.
    Rex took a sip of his coffee before answering. “Because you have to cut the drug with something. Too strong, and it will kill instantly. You want your clients to walk away alive so you can get more customers after they’ve sampled things. And anyway, if they fuck with werewolves, regardless of whose wives they are, they’ll be exiled from the pack, possibly killed.”
    A sinking feeling started in her stomach. “Who are these wives?”
    Rex rattled off a list of five werewolf alpha bitches, and Nadia swore. “Are you serious? I can’t go after them. It doesn’t matter who I’m working for; I’d be killed. Why are they doing this?” She also doubted Torger would defend her or stand by her when she presented her case to him.
    Rex pointed his fork at her. “That is the million-dollar question. From what I can tell, there are no money problems to speak of, so maybe boredom? Maybe they got inspired by that TV show about the mom who sold drugs and decided they could make some extra money?”
    Disgust spoiled some of Nadia’s appetite. “Ugh. It’s one thing to deal with felines, but werewolves, especially alpha bitches. You’re sure about this? That they’re behind this?” They had the how but not the why, and it bothered her. Alpha bitches didn’t do shit like this on a whim; there had to be a purpose behind it.
    Rex leaned forward. “So what do you want to do? I could talk to Torger , get you in on the investigation if you want.”
    “No, no, no. He can’t know I’m in town. Do you have proof of this?” She needed to know if all of this was speculation or actuality before she made her move.
    Rex nodded. “Yes, they’ve approached me for a large order of Katnip . They told me it’s for a bake sale, to spice things up. They told me they couldn’t risk traveling with their stores of Katnip , so they have to buy locally.”
    Great. Nadia needed to know more about this case, and this didn’t help her much. “Okay, give me the specifics of the case, from the beginning, please. I want to make sure I have all the information before I make a decision.”
    Rex gave her a winning smile. “Sure thing.”
    He went over his info. Why he was helping her, she didn’t know and didn’t really care. All she needed to do was figure out the who , which she now knew, get evidence, and turn it over to Torger , and if he didn’t do anything, take what she knew to Zerik . Sounded easier than it was.
    Rex leaned back against the backrest of his chair. “So, now we know the who , but we don’t know the why, and we have no evidence. Last night during the meeting, Poppy took away my cell phone, recorded our conversation we had, and kept the video. I was patted

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