Playing Along
me?” she had shouted back, pressing her forehead to her bedroom door.
    “Both of us!” he had replied.
    They just couldn’t seem to manage a civil conversation for long recently.
    Lexi starts surfing through the channels searching for news. Home shopping. Cheap jewelry. Cher in Las Vegas.
re-runs. Music videos. Beyoncé shaking her bootie. Maroon Five looking very sleazy and then… who is this? Lexi turns up the volume slowly. She knows this song. She’s heard it before but she’s never seen the video. She loves this song. Who is it? The video is filmed in moody black and white. The band are standing in the woods, sheltered under trees, the camera jumping about. The lead singer is so attractive. He has these incredibly intense eyes and Lexi feels completely drawn in by them. And the lyrics. She’s never really listened to the lyrics before.
    It was a suitable dawn
    A beautiful dawn
    Your fragile heart
    So torn apart and I’m
    Here now, here now
    And I hear you, hear you
    As my love rises like
    a suitable dawn
    The singer’s voice is so damn sexy and his eyes, she can’t get over those eyes. And then she realizes. The band is Thesis. Meg’s latest obsession. Of course. This time she might have to agree with Meg—the lead singer is seriously cute. As the video fades away, she feels a bit like a teenager again, hungrily daydreaming about making out with Eddie Vedder. The pit of her stomach is heavy and fluttery both at the same time.
Oh I’m so stupid
she thinks
he’s gotta be at least ten years younger than me. He looks like a baby
. She turns off the TV and eats another vanilla wafer. Distracted, she turns the TV on again and continues to channel hop. Maybe she’ll find another Thesis video. Nothing. She clicks the off button and tosses the remote onto the couch. Earthquake or no earthquake, she really should go back to bed. She’s got work in the morning. Russell to wrangle. The ozone layer to save. Who knows, maybe the work she ends up doing with Russell really will make a difference? Even in the last week, she’s stopped taking paper bags at the market and replaced all the lights in the apartment with energy saving bulbs.
    Lexi walks quietly back to her room thinking there must be thousands of other people awake right now, so why does she feel like the only one in the world? It’s four in the morning and the moon is full but her milk glass is empty. She crawls into bed and pulls her cozy comforter up around her chin. She can’t seem to get the Thesis song out of her head.
Your fragile heart, so torn apart, and I’m here now, here now…
Hmmm. She wonders who the lucky girl is who had that song written just for her?

13 th November, 2009
The Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
    George is dreaming. He’s dreaming there’s a massive snoring elephant asleep on his head. The snores are deafening. His skull feels ready to crack. He opens his eyes and for a split second thinks he is at home. Then he remembers he isn’t and thinks he must be on tour. Which city? Which hotel? On an average touring year they might visit a hundred. He can’t remember, and the snoring is getting louder and louder and the elephant is clearly still in the room. It is then he rolls over and sees the culprit. Fanny Arundel. Fast asleep, mouth wide open, emitting a noise unacceptable even for a sumo wrestler.
    “Shit,” says George and climbs out of bed. His head no longer feels like it belongs on his body. He marvels at how he is managing to keep it on straight. He looks at the clock, 5:47 a.m. Fanny is sprawled on top of the sheets wearing a red lacy bra and a minuscule thong. George still has on his boxer shorts and socks—very rock and roll. He has absolutely no recollection of what happened. Did they or didn’t they? The last thing he remembers is Duncan ordering another round of tequila shots, while Gabe and Simon took bets on who could store the most olive pits in their cheeks. The roulette ball landed on 7.

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