Player (What Happens on Campus Book 1)

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Book: Player (What Happens on Campus Book 1) by M L Sparrow Read Free Book Online
Authors: M L Sparrow
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looked less than pleased. They got over it quickly enough when Riley went and brought a truck load of products.
    “You’re a shopaholic,” Chloe accused as they sat down with a fruit smoothie each from a nearby stand.
    “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Riley grinned over the top of her plastic cup, before taking a slurp of the shocking green liquid.
    Chloe stirred her own drink, a more sedate vanilla colour, and then took a small sip, tasting banana. “So, did you get everything you wanted?”
    Laughing, Riley reached over the table to pat her hand consolingly. “Oh, poor baby, you think we’re done. How wrong you are! This was just the first quarter.”
    Her face must have dropped because Riley laughed once more, throwing her head back, causing several guys at the next table to look over. Noticing the attention, her friend’s smile widened and she flicked back her hair.
    The guy’s turned to talk amongst themselves, before three of them pushed back their chairs and sauntered over. Clustering around their table, the guys grinned down at them. It was actually kind of creepy, Chloe thought.
    “Hi, I’m Joey, these are Derek and Kel. Mind if we hang with you for a bit?”
    Flashing the tall, dark haired guy who’d spoken a flirtatious smile, Riley answered before Chloe could even open her mouth. “Go ahead, some company would be nice.”
    “Cool.” Joey clapped his hands together and sat on the only spare chair at the table, whilst his friends dragged more over. “So, do you girls have names?”
    Chloe rolled her eyes; of course they had names, they hadn’t gone this long without them.
    “More importantly,” the one with reddish-brown hair butted in – she thought it was Derek – “are you single?”
    “I’m Riley and this is my roommate Chloe, and yes, as a matter of fact, we’re both single.”
    “Didn’t I see you dancing with Parker Mitchell the other night?” Joey asked with a frown, studying her face closely. The other guy’s heads whipped around to look at her too.
    “Yes, but there’s nothing going on between us,” Chloe admitted.
    Joey still didn’t look convinced, but Derek didn’t seem to care, instead he exclaimed, “Great accent. Where you from?”
    His face screwed up. “I’ve got an aunt from New England, but she don’t talk like that.”
    For a moment her mind went blank and her brows drew together, but thankfully, she didn’t have to say anything, because Joey hit the back of his friends’ head and snapped, “Not New England, you idiot. Britain.”
    “How was I supposed to know that?” he flushed, rubbing the back of his head.
    “Idiot,” Joey repeated.
    Across the table, Riley caught her eye, biting her lip to hold back her hysterics, shoulders shaking. Ducking her head, Chloe hid her own smile.
    They spent the rest of the day with the guys; Joel and Riley appeared to be getting quite cosy, which left Chloe with Derek and Kel, which was awkward to say the least. Derek talked non-stop, but most of what came out of his mouth was complete nonsense, whereas Kel barely spoke a word to her.
    By the time they returned to their room, Chloe was glad to be rid of them. Kicking off her shoes, she dropped the bags she was carrying and flung herself onto her bed. Sitting next to her, Riley crossed her legs.
    “Isn’t Joey great?” she gushed.
    Opening one eye, Chloe peered up at her, but didn’t say anything. Personally, she thought he was a bit of a dick and he smelt kind of funky, but she didn’t feel like she knew Riley well enough yet to be brutally honest.
    Luckily though, Riley didn’t require an answer; she just breezed straight on. “He’s taking me to a party on Friday night, to celebrate the first week of school being over. I might wear the little black dress I brought today, or maybe the blue one. You know the one with the lace? And those dangly earrings.”
    Chloe zoned out for a while as Riley chattered about her wardrobe choices, but

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