Pieces of Three

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Book: Pieces of Three by Kim Carmichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Carmichael
Tags: paranormal romance, shifters, menage, Tropical Islands
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don’t.” He gave her ear a kiss and let out a low growl. “Go to him, trust me.”
    His kiss and his words created shivers through her whole body, but she found the strength to pull back and stand. A breeze blew and she wrapped her arms around shoulders.
    “Alyssa.” He grabbed his shirt, stood and draped it over her. “Walk straight through the trees. He’ll be right there staring at the water.”
    “You want me to walk through a forest alone?”
    “You are never alone.” He kissed her cheek. “Never.”
    As if she were under some sort of spell, she did as Julian requested. Shifters, especially Lykans could sense or smell emotions, maybe he figured out her inexperience or uncertainty and sent her away to not be bothered.
    Unsure of what she was doing, she took her time walking through the trees, noticing all the different shades of green from light to dark, each blending in with each other. For the most part buildings had taken over Anthros, leaving little room for unplanned nature except for the mountainous side of her island.
    “I know you’re here.” Porter’s voice guided her.
    She made her way through the last couple of rows of trees and stopped. He sat at the edge of a small pond with his back to her.
    “Are you spying on me?” He didn’t bother turning.
    “No.” Truth be told, she didn’t know why she came here. Still, she tiptoed toward him.
    “Well warden, since I’m not a prisoner, may I have a stay for the night?”
    She approached and though she didn’t exert herself, she found herself gasping for air as if she’d run a race by the time she reached him. “ I just came to check on you.”
    “I’m fine. I don’t need checking on, I do the checking.” He picked up a stick and threw it into the water. “Do you find yourself in need of more medical attention from a non doctor?”
    “I am fine.” Again, the question of why she came here entered her mind. With no good answer, she spun on her heel and stomped away, glancing back at him only to have her foot catch on something.
    Her body hit the ground. “Oh!” The sting of her palms and something scraping across her forehead resonated throughout her and she swore her wrist twisted. She shut her eyes, refusing to let any tear loose and lowered her head. No wonder their island had pavement. Smooth, foot-friendly pavement.
    “Alyssa.” Porter appeared and put his hands on her shoulders.
    “I’m fine.” She tried to shrug him off her. “We’re all fine.”
    He didn’t let go. Instead he tightened his hold and turned her over. “I’m not fine.”
    His gaze traveled over her, her forehead, her mouth, her neck and finally her eyes. Porter’s eyes were yellow, a shining gold that took on a glow that matched the setting sun. She swallowed, not sure if he was going to bare his fangs or do something else.
    “Why aren’t you fine?” She breathed the question more than spoke it.
    “Humans don’t feel it.” He shook his head.
    “Don’t feel what?” Her throat dried, and her words came out brittle and broken.
    “How can you not feel it?” He put his hand on the crook of her neck, running his thumb across her jaw. “It’s killing me, now worse than ever.”
    As if beyond her control she moved her face toward his touch and her stomach bottomed out. “Are you hurt?”
    “I’m in pain, and you’re causing it, and you don’t even know.” He closed his eyes.
    “What am I doing?”
    “Shh.” He put his fingers to her mouth. “Give me a minute.”
    In an effort not to speak, she pressed her lips together. She couldn’t ask him the thousands, maybe millions of question that sped through her mind, not the least of which started with why wasn’t she kicking, screaming and pushing him off her and ended with wanting to know why he needed a minute.
    A deep, long moan escaped his throat and vibrated through her. The hold he had on her turned into more of an embrace. Their shallow, jagged breaths evened out and matched each

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