Pictures of You

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Book: Pictures of You by Barbara Delinsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Delinsky
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Impulsively she burst out, “Do you know that there is a resemblance between you and Paul? When I first saw him I knew there was something familiar in his expression. Now I see it … the jaw line especially, but also the nose and the cheekbones.
His coloring is a little lighter, but you could be brothers!” The words had flowed freely, spontaneously, as Eva had herself seen the similarity.
    â€œWe are.” Short and simple as was his style, Roberto made his statement smugly and then awaited Eva’s reaction.
    Beneath its curls Eva’s forehead creased where her eyebrows drew together in a look of incomprehension. Roberto’s head flew back in a burst of unconstrained laughter.
    â€œBut the names … he’s so young … he made no mention …” she stammered, trying to justify her puzzlement.
    â€œPaul is my half-brother. We have the same mother. Because of the age difference and the fact of different fathers continents apart, we don’t have the intimacy that years together in a family might create. But we’ve become much closer recently. I like Paul. I’m glad that you do.” The genuine feeling for Paul apparent in Roberto’s words and facial expression touched Eva. For whatever he was or was not worth as a ladies’ man, she suspected that he had a genuine streak of warmth for his family, past and future.
    The glint of humor had returned to Roberto’s eyes. “So you think I’m an old man, do you?”
    â€œBy all means,” Eva gave a backward denial, even as she admired anew the touch of gray at his sideburns. Her fingertips ached to reach over and explore the silvery ends, but she restrained herself. Fearing that the conversation was again taking on too personal an overtone, she changed the subject.
    â€œMy questions. For starters, where is a hotel? I walked all over this afternoon with no luck in finding it.”
    â€œYou’re here,” he grinned, appreciating her sudden attempt to lead the conversation to safer lines.

    â€œThis is no hotel,” she argued, beginning to resent the amusement he found at her expense, “and I need some place to stay tonight. I’m really tired.”
    With unexpected impatience Roberto restated the fact. “This is as close as you’ll come to a hotel in Terra Vermelho. It is my home. The other men are quartered in other homes. Actually, Paul was to have stayed here with me, but I rearranged things when you so conveniently, or inconveniently as the case may prove to be, fell into my lap.” A smile flittered across his lips briefly. “You’ll stay in my room, as you did this afternoon. Yes, I went to my own room after a long trip, only to find my bed already occupied.”
    As understanding slowly dawned, Eva felt sharp anger that he had not explained all this sooner. He went on before she could voice her objections.
    â€œMy housekeeper, Maria, rightly assumed that you were my guest when you repeatedly mentioned my name. She was not expecting a woman, though, and unfortunately jumped to the wrong conclusion.”
    â€œI’ll say!” Eva interjected defensively. “So she showed me to your bed and then very diligently ushered you up as soon as you came in. Very accommodating.” Sarcasm threw a look of disdain onto her features. “I’m sure she’s used to that sort of thing!”
    â€œIf I didn’t know that you were so recently—and tragically—widowed, I’d say you were jealous,” he returned her sarcasm with his own, a wicked gleam in his eye.
    Not knowing, much to her own consternation, an appropriate response, Eva chose once again to ignore his suggestion. “My luggage … I had two bags. Where are they?”
    â€œIn my … ah, your room. They were put away after you arrived. Paul just brought them upstairs.”
    Eva felt momentary panic as her mind jumped
further on. Uncannily, Roberto remained a

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