P.I. I Love You (Miss Demeanor Suspense Series Book 1)
    “How’s our patient?” asked the doctor as she swept into the room.
    “She just woke up, doc. And I get the feeling she’s not a morning person.” Gage chuckled.
    “We’ll cut her some slack, due to the night she had, and because it’s not even dawn yet,” the chipper doctor said. “You were one lucky woman, Ms. Nightingale—”
    “River, please,” River said.
    “Okay then, River. You’re very lucky that your shooter had poor aim and that your partner has such good knowledge of medical triage. The bullet passed through your upper arm. A half inch higher, it would have hit your shoulder. A hair closer and it would’ve gone straight through your humerus. All in all, you had the best outcome. You need to take it easy and don’t pull on your sutures for the next couple weeks. Translation— no heavy lifting. You did a real number on your ribs. Much to my surprise, you didn’t crack or break them. I’m going to warn you, they will be sore for a few weeks. Be sure to ice your cheeks every few hours for the next day. Ice will help with the swelling and bruising.”
    “Thank you. When can I go home?” River asked.
    “I planned to keep you until at least tonight, just to make sure. However, Gage here has offered to stay with you until tomorrow. I’m holding him responsible for your care.” The doctor smiled at Gage and River.
    “But, I don’t—” River started.
    “Yes, you do. You’re fortunate you didn’t break any bones, or ribs; even so, your body experienced extreme trauma. I’ll send you home with something for the pain. No driving while you take these pills, and you’re absolutely not to get behind the wheel for the next three days, with or without the pills. Your discharge papers and meds will be here in the next hour or so. Please, for your own well-being, take it easy for at least a few days. You’ll heal quicker.”
    River narrowed her eyes and shifted her gaze in Gage’s direction.
    “You’re welcome. And by the way, you scared the living shit out of me. So do me a favor and follow the doctor’s directions.”
    Taken aback by his sincere concern, her anger deflated.
    “I haven’t said thank you. Thanks for taking care of me and getting me to the hospital. I’m sorry I’ve inconvenienced you. I’m sure you had better things to do than hang out at a hospital.”
    He shook his head and scolded her. “What’d you think I would do, drop-kick you to the curb? You have so little faith in me, or is it the male gender as a whole?”
    “I guess my experience with your gender over the years has jaded me. I never used to be this way. I love my dad, and can always count on my Uncle Mike. If I really think about it, they are the only two males who’ve been trustworthy. So, I’ve learned to fend for myself.”
    “Sorry to mess up your standing rule, but I’ll be damned if I’ll leave you alone. You need someone to look after you, doctor’s orders. Besides, I’ve grown kind of fond of you.” His face remained serious.
    “What about your cases, your work?”
    “Already solved. I told my captain I’m working the case with you.”
    “I’m a P.I. remember? Cops and P.I.s don’t usually play well together.”
    “Maybe so, but this time we will. I’ll get you home and settled. Then I want to hear all about what you were working on and who was shooting at you.”

    Shay, Cassie, and Maile burst into River’s apartment as Gage gently lowered River down on the sofa.
    “River, how are you feeling?” Maile asked.
    Shay nudged her shoulder into Cassie, and the two smiled at each other.
    “Looks like she’s in good hands,” Shay giggled.
    “Funny, very funny,” River said.
    “Nice to meet you in person, Gage,” Maile said.
    River looked from her three friends to Gage and back.
    “We tried to call you late last night when Maile realized you still weren’t home. Gage explained what happened,” Shay said.
    “I’ll be fine. Thanks for stopping by,” River

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