Phoenix Contract: Part Five (Fallen Angel Watchers)

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Book: Phoenix Contract: Part Five (Fallen Angel Watchers) by Melissa Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Thomas
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she had no other choice, because she couldn’t risk the lives of innocent people. If she needed an unlikely ally to aid her cause, then Magnus certainly fit the bill.
    “It’ll have to be you,” Aiden announced.
    “Will it?” Magnus tilted his head to the side, conveying curiosity.
    Aiden reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. “Get us the hell out of here before one of them wakes up,” she told him.
    “As you wish. Hold on.”
    “To what?” Aiden asked.
    Magic coalesced around them with a stunning jolt, like they were standing at the center of a lightning strike. A pair of enormous black wings unfurled from Magnus’ back.
    The explosive takeoff forced the air from her lungs and left her clinging to Magnus for dear life. Aiden grabbed hold of his arms and hung on with all of her strength. The ground fell away at a dizzying rate.
    The wings, pure physical embodiments of magic, were sleek and solid black, an impenetrable darkness denser than the surrounding night. Fully deployed, they spanned at least thirty feet. Fascinated, she stared with longing, desiring nothing more than to run her fingers over them. Were they covered in sleek feathers or suede-soft hide? Bird or bat?
    Knowing Magnus the way she did, her bet was on hide.
    The excitement of flight stole her attention from his wings and pulled it to the voyage itself. Aiden released a whoop of joy and exhilaration as Magnus swept her skyway, adding a swoop and spiral that caused the wind to rush into their faces. She experienced pure magic. True freedom. And oh, how she envied him and wished... if only it could go on forever.

Chapter Twenty-Six

    They set down atop the rooftop of the Archeology Building, toes skimming the surface lightly as the immense black wings slowly furled and then vanished. The landing proceeded so smoothly that there was no perceivable transition between flying and standing. Aiden swallowed profound disappointment. She’d wanted the spectacular flight to go on forever, longer, faster, and higher. She needed to escape into the clouds and leave everything behind.
    Aiden threw out her fingertips and brushed the side of one wing to satisfy her curiosity. Wings of hide and not feathers, as smooth and powdery soft as serpent skin . Batty.
    With a sigh, she let go of Magnus and moved to a polite, socially acceptable distance. She experienced the cessation of freedom as physical pain, a poignant loss that returned her to the unpleasant reality of a weary soul and an exhausted body.
    “Of all the buildings in the city to choose from, you pick this one,” Aiden said. “What is that, some sort of roosting instinct?”
    “More like old habits die hard,” Magnus said. “Honestly, I wasn’t thinking about it when I landed.”
    Aiden nodded, thinking it must be nice to be so unaware, so oblivious. But Magnus hadn’t been the one to destroy both Matthew and Katsue. He didn’t have to think about the fact that the gruesome act had occurred just one floor beneath where they currently stood.
    “Did you see Matthew?” Aiden asked, crossing her arms. Bitter resentment surged in her heart for Magnus, who killed so casually, but hadn’t been there when Matthew had needed him most. Broken promises.
    “Yes, I must’ve missed you by minutes.” Magnus cocked his head, causing the hood obscuring his face to shift. “Why did you run?”
    “You saw what I did?” Aiden asked, pointedly ignoring his inquiry. He of all people had no right to ask her the hard questions.
    “I saw.” He offered no comments, no opinions or judgment, merely ready acceptance and patience, causing Aiden to grind her teeth.
    Damn him!
    “Did you say your goodbyes?” Aiden asked, determined to pry a reaction from the Celt. She wanted something, damn it! Sorrow, anger, regret... Something. Anything.
    “Matthew and I said our goodbyes weeks ago,” Magnus replied with the same unruffled equanimity. His voice was dense and heavy, giving nothing away. “Why? What do

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