Ozma of Oz

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Book: Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Frank Baum
Tags: Fantasy, Young Readers
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'sociate with those common chickens. They would soon spoil your good manners, and you wouldn't be respec'able any more."
    "I didn't ask to associate with them," replied Billina. "It is that cross old Princess who is to blame. But I was raised in the United States, and I won't allow any one–horse chicken of the Land of Ev to run over me and put on airs, as long as I can lift a claw in self–defense."
    "Very well, Billina," said Dorothy. "We won't talk about it any more."
    Soon they came to the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger to whom the girl introduced the Yellow Hen.
    "Glad to meet any friend of Dorothy's," said the Lion, politely. "To judge by your present appearance, you are not a coward, as I am."
    "Your present appearance makes my mouth water," said the Tiger, looking at Billina greedily. "My, my! how good you would taste if I could only crunch you between my jaws. But don't worry. You would only appease my appetite for a moment; so it isn't worth while to eat you."
    "Thank you," said the hen, nestling closer in Dorothy's arms.
    "Besides, it wouldn't be right," continued the Tiger, looking steadily at Billina and clicking his jaws together.
    "Of course not," cried Dorothy, hastily. "Billina is my friend, and you mustn't ever eat her under any circ'mstances."
    "I'll try to remember that," said the Tiger; "but I'm a little absent–minded, at times."
    Then Dorothy carried her pet into the drawing–room of the palace, where Tiktok, being invited to do so by Ozma, had seated himself between the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. Opposite to them sat Ozma herself and the Princess Langwidere, and beside them there was a vacant chair for Dorothy.
    Around this important group was ranged the Army of Oz, and as Dorothy looked at the handsome uniforms of the Twenty–Seven she said:
    "Why, they seem to be all officers."
    "They are, all except one," answered the Tin Woodman. "I have in my Army eight Generals, six Colonels, seven Majors and five Captains, besides one private for them to command. I'd like to promote the private, for I believe no private should ever be in public life; and I've also noticed that officers usually fight better and are more reliable than common soldiers. Besides, the officers are more important looking, and lend dignity to our army."
    "No doubt you are right," said Dorothy, seating herself beside Ozma.
    "And now," announced the girlish Ruler of Oz, "we will hold a solemn conference to decide the best manner of liberating the royal family of this fair Land of Ev from their long imprisonment."

9. The Royal Family of Ev
    The Tin Woodman was the first to address the meeting.
    "To begin with," said he, "word came to our noble and illustrious Ruler, Ozma of Oz, that the wife and ten children—five boys and five girls—of the former King of Ev, by name Evoldo, have been enslaved by the Nome King and are held prisoners in his underground palace. Also that there was no one in Ev powerful enough to release them. Naturally our Ozma wished to undertake the adventure of liberating the poor prisoners; but for a long time she could find no way to cross the great desert between the two countries. Finally she went to a friendly sorceress of our land named Glinda the Good, who heard the story and at once presented Ozma a magic carpet, which would continually unroll beneath our feet and so make a comfortable path for us to cross the desert. As soon as she had received the carpet our gracious Ruler ordered me to assemble our army, which I did. You behold in these bold warriors the pick of all the finest soldiers of Oz; and, if we are obliged to fight the Nome King, every officer as well as the private, will battle fiercely unto death."
    Then Tiktok spoke.
    "Why should you fight the Nome King?" he asked. "He has done no wrong."
    "No wrong!" cried Dorothy. "Isn't it wrong to imprison a queen mother and her ten children?"
    "They were sold to the Nome King by King Ev–ol–do," replied Tiktok. "It was the King of Ev who did

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