Over You
seemed convinced that the nursing home was the best option.”
    Jessica visited with her aunt for a while longer, then just before she was going to find the doctor, the man entered the room.
    “Dr. Davis, this is my niece, Jessica Stevens.”
    “Hello,” he said. “Your aunt told me you’re staying at her house.”
    “Yes, I plan on being there for as long as she needs me.”
    He nodded.  
    “Dr. Davis,” Jessica began. “Ellen tells me that you plan on sending her to a nursing home to recover. What do you think of the idea of having her come home where I can care for her instead?”
    Dr. Davis glanced at Jessica, then looked at Ellen. “I know both of you are concerned, but let me reassure you that the skilled nursing facility where you will be, Ellen, is excellent. And keep in mind that the purpose of sending you there is more than just caring for the infection, but also to provide daily physical therapy.”
    “How long will she need to be there?” Jessica asked.
    Dr. Davis turned to Jessica. “I would expect her to be there for no more than two weeks.”
    Hearing him explain it made Jessica feel a little better, and as she watched Ellen’s face, she thought Ellen seemed more comfortable with the idea as well. Once he left, Jessica visited with her aunt a while longer, then she said good-bye and left.
    Going back to the empty house didn’t appeal to her, so Jessica decided to stop by a local restaurant to have dinner. As she drove down the main street, memories of her previous stays filled her mind and she realized that she and Kyle had eaten at every restaurant at least once. Sighing in resignation, Jessica pulled up to a Mexican place that had always been a favorite and went inside. They seated her in a booth near the back, which suited her fine. It had been a long and emotional day and all she wanted was to enjoy her meal and not have to think for a while.
    She ordered a quesadilla and while she waited for the food to come, she munched on chips and salsa. When the server placed her meal in front of her, she felt her stomach rumble in anticipation. Focusing on eating, she didn’t pay attention to the people who entered the restaurant, but when she heard a familiar voice, her eyes shifted from her plate to the front of the restaurant where a good-looking couple waited to be seated.
    Lowering her head and placing her hand against her forehead to shield her face from view, Jessica surreptitiously watched as Kyle and a gorgeous blond woman chatted and laughed. After a moment the couple was led to a table in the middle of the room. Jessica willed herself to be invisible as Kyle and the woman walked to their table and sat. When Kyle took his seat, his back was to Jessica, and she released her held breath in relief.
    Trying not to be obvious, Jessica studied the woman sitting across from Kyle. She appeared to be about Jessica’s age and her blond hair looked natural. She had a dazzling smile, with perfectly straight white teeth and when she smiled her entire face lit up. The blouse and slacks she wore showed off her shapely figure. Jessica wondered if the woman was a model, but then imagined she was probably beautiful and smart and was probably a successful businesswoman.  
    Picking at her quesadilla, Jessica suddenly had no appetite. Here she sat, pathetically all alone, eating her dinner, while the man she had once been planning to marry sat nearby with a spectacular looking woman, having a great time. Jessica wondered if this was the woman Kyle had been talking to on his cell phone the other day.
    As she watched them interact, she felt like someone was using a spoon to scoop out pieces of her heart.
    “How is your meal, miss?”
    Jessica looked up at her server, but stared at him, trying to understand what he was asking. After a moment she said, “It’s fine.”
    “Can I get you anything else?”
    “No. Thank you.”
    He walked away and suddenly Jessica wanted nothing more than to escape the restaurant

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