Our End Of The Lake: Surviving After The 2012 Solar Storm (Prepper Trilogy)

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Book: Our End Of The Lake: Surviving After The 2012 Solar Storm (Prepper Trilogy) by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Foster
Tags: Fiction, Survival, 2012, post apocalyptic, End of the world, survivor, survivalist, teotwawki, prepper, shtf, preppers, lake, EMP, preparedness, solar storm, retreat, electromagnetic pulse
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“is one of those terms we bandy about, when I am not supposed to be smoking a cigarette at night.” I stated while firing me one up.
    Dump got a devilish grin on his face, made worse due to the flickering flames of the campfire in back of him and responded with, “They say a sniper can see you light cig at a mile at night.” Dump produced from his overheard stash of soldier lore.
    ‘That’s a fact Truck; I used to have to hide under a poncho to keep smoking these damn things before. Hey! Anyone seen a cigarette truck, out here anywhere?” I said producing a loud laugh out of Stewart. He held up a crumpled half pack of smokes
    ”I was on the look out for one and had half of mind to try to charge you for these, but seeing that we are all brethren of the coast now, like a bunch of pirates, you may have them free with my compliments.” he said passing them over to me.
    “Thank you, Stewart!” I exclaimed not even bothering to make remark about the brand name and deposited them in my shirt pocket.
    “That just earned you a new pair of socks. I was going to wrestle a dollar out of you for… Rental mind you, like leasing shoes at the bowling alley.” I said smiling.
    ”Damn! Show you two a street corner and I bet you would own it in a week.“ said Dump grinning.
    “Stewart, you don’t really have anywhere to go, you want to consider joining the Dump Truck Tribe? I need a resourceful soul like you. My last statement took Dumpie unawares and he turned to Stewart and said, “Come on the more the merrier! The Truck Tribe, I like that, awful nice of you David.” he said beaming in my direction.
    “How about it Stewart?” I asked.
    An uncomfortable Stewart squirmed in his chair and responded after a momentary pause.
    “Gents, I am honored to be asked, and kindly fellows you are to have a use for an old man, but my travels need to be towards my kith and kin, if I ever want to see the shores of my own land again.” he carefully said with what looked like to be a tear welling up in his eye in this dim light.
    “Stewart, do you have much family back home?” I softly asked, recognizing he was troubled.
    “ Well, me Mum and Da passed awhile back, but I have my connections and my heart back home as I guess we all have our obligations and friends needing us about now.” he replied suppressing a show of emotion among men towards tears.
    “Yes, my friend, I got worries and responsibilities a plenty too, that I sort of put out of my mind till now.” I said dolefully.
    “Let’s talk about some brighter things and consider our dinner for the night, what’s everybody willing to share for the pot?” I inquired digging in my improvised pillow case bag for some Campbell’s chicken noodle soup.
    “Hey, I got two of those.” said Dump producing his scavenging out of a similar sack, all the while looking like a bald, beardless, tattooed Santa Claus.
    “I got ZILCH in the soup department, but I foraged us up a good fry pan out of a car over there, that has some more pots and pans in it.” Stewart said producing it.
    “Well, it might taste a bit nasty, but for foods sake, Dump and I got a couple of cans of Tuna to add to it, so we got something to stick to our ribs past noon tomorrow.” I suggested.
    “I just as soon have the soup and Beer.” Dump countered making a face.
    “I am in agreement.” Stewart said looking similar to Dumps grimace of my culinary suggestion.
    “Fine by me, but your belly is going to be touching your backbone soon enough and it won’t sound so bad.” I made them recognize, but did get in agreement that it was a bad idea for this evening.
    “David, you want to stay with me awhile when we get to Newnan? Now, before you object, I got plenty of relatives living mostly close and they would take you in on my say so and you could restock and regroup a bit.” he said inquiringly.
    “That’s awful nice of you Dump, and I may yet take you up on that, but I gotta get home. Can we talk more on

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