Origin ARS 4

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Book: Origin ARS 4 by Scottie Futch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scottie Futch
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snuggled her naked body against the man she loved then sighed sweetly. Slowly, she closed her eyes then logged off. It was time to deal with one of the things she hated most about her current life.
    Origin blinked slowly then took the tiara from her head. A gentle smile crossed her lips briefly, but then she had to set even that aside. The gamer goddess had to get ready for a family business meeting.
    After a quick shower, and a short bit of time spent dressing for success, she headed off to her rendezvous with her family. Origin’s business suit was both tasteful and professional, everything that was supposed to be buttoned was buttoned. While her black skirt hugged her lush figure it also reached down to her knees.
    Her attire was a stark contrast to what her mother considered appropriate for a business meeting. Origin could tell her mother apart from anyone in a crowd, from a mile away. Era had also dressed in a business suit, but her version was reminiscent of something one might see in a high-class pornographic film. Era was fond of sayings such as ‘Cleavage is power’ and ‘Can I get you anything, sir?’
    “Hi, mom.” said Origin lightly.
    Era smiled at her sweetly then her smiled froze in place. She blinked once, and then her head tilted lightly to the side. She scented the air like a hungry wolf. Slowly, her left eyebrow rose up.
    Origin leaned back under the scrutinizing gaze of her mother and winced. There was no way that she could know, but somehow she suspected that she did.
    The goddess of fertility gazed upon her daughter for a moment. Suddenly, a bright and lewd smile crossed her lips. “Oho, sorry to tear you away my dear.”
    Origin groaned loudly. “Mother...”
    Era laughed at her daughter’s embarrassment then pulled her close for a matronly hug. “Who would have thought that my sweet little Origin would finally become a woman overnight?”
    The blue-haired goddess winced then started to blush. “It’s not really something I want to talk about.”
    “Nonsense, honey. I can finally have all sorts of proper conversations with my sweet girl. Say, did you...” began Era. She rattled off a list of perverse sexual actions that literally made Origin’s hair fly up and stand on end.
    “No, no! We did nothing of the sort.” cried Origin. Who would do that with two milk jugs and a chicken, anyway? That thing with the salad tongs and the pickle just sounded weird!
    “Ah, pity. Did you at least...” began Era. She rattled off another lengthy list of deviant actions that were only slightly less freaktastic than the previous one.
    “Uh... No, not really. Do, do we actually need to discuss this?” asked the girl in an embarrassed tone.
    “Discuss what?” asked Mid as she entered the room. She wore a sensible business suit, with simple and elegant heels. However, she also wore her customary big floppy hat.
    “Your little sister finally rode the wild stallion.” said Era.
    “Really! Good for her!” exclaimed Mid.
    Mid turned to Origin and said, “Did you guys...” before she rattled off a list of disturbing sexual actions that made Origin want to crawl under the table and hide.
    “What was that about a leather whip and a car battery?” asked Silence as he walked into the room. He wore what one might refer to as business casual attire. He was not the suit and tie type of person, but he cleaned up nicely if he had to wear big boy clothes.
    “Little sister got laid last night.” said Mid excitedly.
    “Whoa, and she’s already hooking up the car batteries and the mouse-traps? Goodness, little girls grow up fast nowadays.” he said in a sarcastic but cheerful manner.
    Origin actually forgot herself for a moment and prayed for death. A little blue window appeared before her that held Silence’s image and a message.
    [Voice Message]
    We’re sorry; Silence is unavailable for personal death requests at this time. Please pray for death between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. Monday

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