the lift that would take them down to their living quarters, she leaned against him. “Yes, and it is just getting started.”
Two weeks later, Jill faced the two families that were laying claim to her daughter.
She would have been nervous if she hadn’t felt the Great Archive in the room and had Rimash at her side.
The courtroom was seldom used on the world of the Archive, but today, it was in action.
Jill had stood with Imjay in her sling throughout the entire claim process, and finally, it was her turn to speak.
She let Imjay hold her finger as she made her own claim to the child, including everything that could sway the balance. Each statement of fact caused the smugness of the Selna and the Nyal to fade.
The judge finally stood and inclined its heads to all participants. “Having weighed all the testimony, it is found that Imjillema Imbri Rimash is the daughter of Jillema Ahamad and Rimash of the Drai, as well as a citizen of the Great Archive. It shall be recorded and registered as such. Anyone found attempting to circumvent this ruling shall be committing an act of war against the Great Archive and will be subject to any punishments it chooses to levy.”
The two-headed judge inclined its heads toward her and the baby. “Your claim is upheld. Enjoy your daughter.”
“Thank you, Judge.”
Rimash put his arm around her, and he led her out of the courtroom. He whispered, “Take her home. I will make sure that the others leave.”
“Thanks, love. Don’t forget, it is Laliette’s birthday. We are having a party tonight.”
“I will be there.” He grinned.
She left through the security doors, and the guards made sure she wasn’t followed.
Imjay squirmed, so Jill lifted her to her shoulder as they entered the secure shuttle. “You were a very good girl, Imjay.”
Imjay smiled and waved her hands as she was held in a more upright position. She was growing fast. Exponentially fast. The doctors at the med centre said that her body was growing to species standards; it was just doing it very quickly. Her brain was developing even faster.
Jill nearly dropped her.
Imjay was sucking her fist and smiling. “Mama.”
The baby beamed. “Me.”
Their shuttle was whisking through the underground tunnels and Jill wanted nothing more than to have a witness to her daughter’s words.
Five minutes later, they had crossed half a continent at ridiculous speeds and were pulling in to the secure station near their home.
Jill lifted Imjay high against her chest and walked the three blocks to their home, stepping into the lift and heading for their place.
Laliette was waiting for them. “So?”
“She’s ours. How long has she been talking?”
Lali blinked. “What?”
Imjay waved her arms and squawked. “Mommy, Me!”
Jill pointed at the baby in her arms. “That.”
Lali grinned. “That is new. Congratulations on the custody.”
“Thank you. It is a load off my mind knowing that Rimash is legally allowed to kill anyone who tries to take her.” It was a statement she had never considered until she had begun to delve into some of the contracts and what could happen to a child given to either of those species. It was not an outcome she wanted for her daughter.
Imjay would have the chance to choose, she would have a chance to be free, and she would have access to the best education in the known universe. It wasn’t a bad legacy to give to a child.
The accelerated development would be something they had to keep track of, but fortunately, they were in the perfect spot to keep her developing mind stimulated.
After feeding and changing the baby, Lali put her down for a nap. Jill changed into casual clothing and went to her terminal, ordering the presents that she had had constructed for Lali the previous week.
When the delivery stations started humming, Jill opened the first of the units that decorated the main dining room with sparkly ribbons along the ceiling.
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