Only Today Part 1
least I would have someone to talk to, so I asked him, “When will you hire me a limo driver and body guard? At least I can get out and go shopping?”
    “When I get the right one, then you can go out, until then, you will have to be content with staying in the compound. There are people here if you want to talk to them.”
    “What about you. We don’t talk, and we never had sex. You never made love to me. I can’t take this any longer. I’m considering a divorce.”
    “There will be no divorce. I’m running for the state senate and I need you. And you will do as you are told,” he says to me, his voice cold and distant. I had never seen that side of him, or maybe in my need to breakout and the lure of money, I didn’t look far enough.
    At first I didn’t voice my unhappiness and my displeasure at what was going on in this sham marriage, but since when does a black woman do as she is told especially by a man who doesn’t have sex with her? I thought. That’s when I planned my escape because it was to be an escape. This place was surrounded by gates and brick walls with security looming around each entrance, and there was no way out of here, and yes, it had to be an escape because I was a prisoner.
    To get around not going to college, I enrolled at an on line university taking courses to get a teaching degree, which would take forever, but I had nothing but time. I wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl. I wanted to get the hell out of Virginia much sooner than my desire to become a teacher. But this is where I ended up. In a prison of my own desire.
    Walking into Randall’s library he was busy talking on the phone and when I entered he announced to the caller, “My wife is here.” The person said something and his reply was, “Me too.” But it was more personal with a hint of a sexual nature. I could hear it in his voice. A low seductive, me too. As if talking to a lover. At the time I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to rock the boat. I had gotten tired of arguing with him over simple stuff like giving me an allowance to buy my sanitary napkins.
    Finally, he gave in and gave me a substantial allowance and that is when my limo driver slash bodyguard showed up the same day.

Chapter 2: Lilly
    W hen I first caught sight of my body guard, a tall medium built gorgeous man, in his late twenties, with broad shoulders and a small waist, who had a full head of dark straight hair, and deep green eyes that never left me, and made my mind drift with sexual thoughts. I imagined him lying over me and saying things to me I wish Randall would say: “ Fuck me, baby. Let’s not get out of bed for a week because I want to do it all to you. I want to lay between your legs and suck you dry.”
    My mind drifted too far, and I just stared at him amazed at how handsome he is as I took in his amazing body.
    He stood six feet or more. His features fine but his jaw line strong. You could tell he lifts weights because of the muscular neck. He didn’t smile and I knew he seldom did because there wasn’t a wrinkle anywhere on that rugged handsome face. His olive skin drew attention to his dark features. He had more of a Mediterranean look about him. Dark eyebrows with a secret expression scattering through his face. I thought he was Italian.
    He wore dark suits, white shirts, and always a tie, which was acceptable for his line of work. A pair of sun glasses were always in his pocket but he wouldn’t have any need for them because of the weather in Seattle. I suspect that he wore them to hide his eyes to keep someone from knowing his thoughts.
    My mother always said that the eyes are the windows to the soul.
    When he entered the room, he trooped behind Randall as if he was a soldier, crossed his arms and stood at attention, his back straight and his head up. He appeared surprised when he saw me. I was busy on the computer. Randall never asked what I was doing on the computer, he didn’t have too, it was probably monitored

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