One Wild Vegas Night

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Book: One Wild Vegas Night by SJ Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: SJ Thomas
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rolled off her in waves, she looked nervous, her wide eyes darting around the bar, her skin flushing when she noticed the interested looks from the gathered men. She kept flicking glances over her shoulder, as if she was expecting someone to come after her.
    Sol’s brow furrowed. The woman was dressed for sex, dressed to turn heads, but her manner screamed the exact opposite. He found it a fascinating contradiction. Breathing in deeply, Sol caught her scent, his groin tightening in response. He could smell her fear, but underneath that he could also smell her, a delicate floral scent that sank into his cells, firing up his blood and hardening his body.
    His fingers clenched, digging furrows into the table, and he quickly drew his hand back. Now this was what he wanted—that physical, gut-deep reaction to a female, that possessive need to stalk over there and pull her tight to his body, to imprint part of himself on her so every other male would know she was his. But for the moment he held himself back.
    He watched as she took a seat and ordered a drink, her hand clutching her purse so tightly he could see her knuckles whitening. She looked scared and uncomfortable but taking a deep breath, she crossed her legs, exposing an expanse of thigh that attracted even more glances from the males in the bar. Sol struggled to suppress a growl. Oh yes. He was definitely feeling possessive.
    The woman kept her eyes down, not raising them till she’d taken a large swallow of her drink, but when she did, their gazes locked instantly. Sol’s entire body tensed in reaction and her eyes widened, a delicate blush moving across her cheek. She looked positively mouthwatering and it took all his self-control to remain seated.
    Sol tipped his head as he smiled at her, and she tentatively returned the gesture before dropping her gaze and reaching for her drink. She was skittish, on edge, ready to bolt at any minute; exactly like prey being stalked. The thought sent a bolt of lust straight through him and into his cock. Sol shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to adjust himself without anyone noticing.
    Forget who else he’d intended to be with that night. In that instant, Sol knew he wanted this woman. Wanted to break through whatever fear she was carrying until she was naked beneath him and he was thrusting inside her. He would have her legs wrapped around him and her cries ringing in his ears before the night was out.
    Seeing that her glass was nearly empty, Sol signaled the waitress. “Another for me and whatever the woman over there is having,” he said, nodding toward her.
    “Sure thing, honey. Do you want me to invite her over here?”
    “No, just send the drink to her.”
    “You got it.”
    Sol watched with a growing sense of anticipation as the waitress took the drink over. The woman looked up at her in surprise and started to protest, but when the waitress gestured to him, he nodded and smiled. She looked shocked, but then returned his nod with a small smile, accepting the drink and taking a sip.
    Sol had meant to wait before walking over, but when her tongue darted out to dab at the alcohol lingering on her lips, he was up and moving toward her before he even realized it.
    When she saw the man stand and begin to walk over to her, Hannah’s first instinct was to leave, but she held herself still. This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? To be out having fun and meeting men, being wild and crazy, not worrying about consequences. Everything she’d not been able to be or do for so long.
    And the man who slowly walked over to her was too good to be true. He looked Latino, his skin and hair deliciously dark and exotic, the stubble that covered his chin giving him a rough edge at odds with his obviously expensive clothes. His jacket was cut tight to his body, giving tantalizing hints of the muscles it hid.
    As soon as she’d seen him, Hannah had been drawn to him, and when he’d smiled at her, his face lit up with a sexy

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