One Man Guy

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Book: One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Barakiva
called it “the city,” as if to imply that the rest of the so-called cities, like Chicago or Los Angeles or Boston, didn’t really count.
    “There’s this concert series in the park. Rufus Wainwright was supposed to play last Monday, but he got sick and had to bail. He felt so bad for his loyal fans like me, though, that he decided to do an impromptu thing today instead.”
    Alek wouldn’t admit he didn’t know who Rufus Wainwright was, so he just said, “Cool.” He searched his memory quickly and came up with the first thing about New York that popped into his head. “You know, I hear there’s a great Rodin exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum.”
    Ethan looked impressed. “Really?”
    Encouraged, Alek went on. “Sure. I’m dying to check it out.”
    A mischievous glint entered Ethan’s eyes. “Why don’t you come with me?”
    “Come with me. The Met’s right off Central Park. We can hit the concert, check out the exhibit, and be back before the bell rings.”
    “No way.” Alek didn’t even have to think about it. As alluring as the idea of spending that Tuesday with Ethan in New York was, he would never cut school.
    “Why not?”
    “For one thing, I don’t have enough money.”
    “Bullshit. You got ten bucks?”
    “That’s all you’ll need.”
    “But what about the ticket for the concert, or the train ride, or—”
    “Shut up. I said you could do it on ten bucks, so you can do it on ten bucks. Or don’t you trust me?”
    “I trust you.”
    “So what’s the problem?”
    Alek’s mind raced, but the sound of the train approaching in the distance was making thinking difficult.
    “Polly-O, don’t be such a pussy.” Ethan raised his voice over the sound of the approaching train. “Have some fun.”
    For a second, Alek actually found himself thinking about what it would be like to forget about school and his teachers and parents, even for just a day, and go on this adventure. But he just wasn’t that kind of guy.
    The train pulled into the station. Ethan waited for everyone else to board, then got on. “Any chance I can persuade you?” he asked Alek from across the portal.
    “Sorry, man.”
    “No prob, dude. Maybe next time.” Ethan held out his hand to snap Alek’s fingers goodbye. But when their hands met, Ethan interlocked his fingers around Alek’s wrist. Ethan pulled back with all of his strength, yanking Alek onto the train. Alek, stunned, didn’t even try to break Ethan’s hold as he heard the doors beep-beep close behind him. Alek turned around and saw South Windsor move away as the train started speeding to New York.

    “ This is kidnapping ! I can’t believe it !” Alek exclaimed.
    “It’s for your own good.”
    “But I don’t even have a ticket. And how’m I going to get back in time for school?”
    “You really want to go back?” Ethan asked, leaning in, his eyes daring Alek.
    “There’s no ‘want’ here, Ethan. I have to get back,” Alek insisted.
    “Alek, my man, at a certain point in your life, you’re gonna learn there’s a difference between what you have to do and what you want to do. And the sooner you start choosing want over have , the happier you’ll be.” Ethan stretched, his arms unfolding above him like wings. “So if you really want , you can get off in five minutes at Princeton Junction, switch directions on the next outbound train, and be back at school five minutes late, max. But is that what you want ?”
    Alek gathered his thoughts as the train gained momentum, the landscape on either side accelerating to a blur. He took his Velcro wallet out of his pocket and displayed its inhabitants, a pair of wrinkled five-dollar bills. “You sure I can do this on ten dollars?”
    His audacity earned him Ethan’s most winning smile. “You will find that I am a man of my word. Keep up.”
    Wading through the commuters in their business casual attire, Alek followed Ethan to the bathroom on the other side of the

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