levels of virulence and rates of adaptation. Many of them have been around for millions if not billions of years and our bodies have grown accustomed to their presence. Our immune system has had time to get acclimated to the effects of each of them. Human defenses need time to adjust and microbes need time to adapt. Co-dependency might take dozens of generations.
Unfortunately, it appears that we don’t have the luxury of time. We call them the Yin-Yang Twins.
The problem: we have witnessed the Yin-Yang Twins in your blood and in your bodies. Worst of all, your bodies have not produced an antibody. This is not a virus, nor a bacteria. The best I can detail, I’d call them microscopic bugs of parasitic intent. And sadly, they’re hungry little buggers. Once they’re inside you, we don’t know how they can be killed. They’re multiplying. Quickly. They like our nutrients. Our skin. Our organs. They eat our salt. Drink our water. Without us they die. With them we might. We die. They die. We live. They live. We don’t know how to kill them yet, without killing the host body. It’s always a catch-22 with a parasitic infection.
It appears that this Yin-Yang parasite is something like a cancer. Once its introduced, we may not be able to get rid of all of them. The most analogous microbiotic invader we have found in our database is the parasite trypanosome brucei. Nasty, nasty little buggers from the sub-Saharan region in Africa.
Unfortunately, this similarity is not going to help us. Traditional medicine cures such as antibiotics and chemotherapeutics have had no impact. Even low level radiation has not killed them or even slowed their growth. Nothing in biology is an accident. Nothing lacks purpose. All the evidence supports the proposition that the universe is especially designed whole – with life and humankind as its fundamental goal – its sole purpose. If this is not so, then now at last we have another living organism that will enrich our very understanding of life.
Many have often theorized that the laws of God are the laws of nature but now we have to wonder if the laws we know to be true are only half of the rulebook. We have determined that you can cut this organism out of the host, but if even one cell is leftover, it will re-grow into the entire parasite again. We have tested chemical therapeutics. Antibiotics. Kill all but one and you get complete re-growth into the complete complex organism that attacks our bodies.
Our immune system has been building up resistance to thousands if not millions of microorganism for millions of years. The introduction of a new microbe, whether it is virus or bacterial or something else, often takes months, years and sometimes even generations for acceptance and adaptation to resolve itself.
The rate of infection forecasts out to six to ten days. That’s what the forecast model calculates critical complications may arise.
By day three, we predict they’ll be multiplying at an incredible rate. And by day five, they’ll be eating your organs. By day eight, there will be blood in your urine.
By day nine you won’t be able to think straight. By day ten you’ll be so dehydrated that you’ll want to be dead and just might be. You wanted the mathematical forecast model, well, there it is. Six to ten days.
The parasite is like a thief donning a disguise. Every time the host’s immune cells get close to destroying the parasite, it escapes detection by rearranging into something else. The parasite’s survival strategy hinges upon its ability to change its surface coat into some other amino-methane acid. The immune system never gains the upper hand.
On Earth, great scientific minds, have studied a similar parasite, something found in sub-Saharan Africa. Death sometimes comes without warning, brought by wild animals, droughts, or wars. But often it’s more subtle, floating from person to person as an almost unstoppable parasite.
The parasite Trypanosoma brucei, which
Laura Z. Hobson
Mark Slouka
Matthew Burkey
Phillip W. Simpson
John Corwin
Constance McGeorge
Mark Leigh
Sue Lyndon
Leandi Cameron
C.J. Archer