Now & Again
sure as hell don’t want them jumping here, do we?”
Am I the only one who sees this threat for what it could be?
    “I didn’t think of…”
    “No, you didn’t. Lucky for you, I did. So, once you find out where our local boys live and who they know and all that, I want you to take a security team and escort them to the warehouse at
the Point
, and keep them there.”
    Nsamba was shocked and almost stumbled. “What? You – you mean kidnap them?” Shocked by his own words, he furtively checked about to make sure no one had overheard.
    “I didn’t say those words,” Vandermark replied, still walking. “But I will say that I don’t care how you get it done.”
    “Neville, this is not Kampala.” He hurried to pull even with Vandermark. “We cannot grab people off the street here. I know you are upset about Quyron but…”
    Vandermark stopped and drilled him with an ugly stare. “I’m not upset. I’m being pro-active. Something you should consider doing more of.” He lowered his voice. “Why do you think we built those warehouse cells, if not for something like this?”
Just because you lie to yourself doesn’t mean that I do.
    Nsamba looked around to make sure no one except Hahn was nearby. “I never understood why you built them.” Song Lee, standing silently nearby, felt just as uncomfortable as he did.
    “Well, now you know.” Vandermark said smugly.
    The tall Ugandan was cowed but persistent. “I will gather a team but, seriously, I will still need some kind of paper to justify us in case we…”
    “Fine, I’m sure I can get some official looking authorization signed off by some flunky, if it will make you feel better, but your best bet’s still gonna be to stay under the wire.”
    Nsamba was offended. “I know how this works better than you do, I’m just saying that without some cover we…”
    Vandermark snapped at him. “And I’m saying if I said you’ll get it, you’ll get it!”
    Nsamba nodded, his reaction carefully shielded, and moved off toward the elevators. Vandermark tapped a tiny phone clip on his lab coat. “Echo, get me Cap over at Liaison…okay, track him then. I’ll be right here.”
    While he waited, he gazed out the wall of windows in front of him. His eyes traced the horizon where rows of windswept clouds sailed the lower third of the sky. “Song Lee, you need to move up the final trials.”
    Behind him, Hahn was startled to be addressed. Her face betrayed her anxiety. “But I’ve told you, we can’t be ready any sooner than next week. We’re moving too fast already. I still have more testing I need…”
    Vandermark glared at her over his shoulder. “You seriously think I don’t know about your
test jumps over the past weeks? What do you take me for?”
    Hahn reached a hand out to steady herself and suddenly looked ill.
    Vandermark gave her a crooked smile. “It’s not even that I hold it against you - I’d probably do the same thing in your shoes – but no more whining, okay? Let’s be a big girl.”
    Hahn steadied herself and urgently visualized sun dappled rocks in a quiet stream and languid koi floating serenely in the current. She refused to defer to him or reply to him.
    His voice turned harsh. “You will be operational by tomorrow – and
people will be in the seats.”
    “Your people?” Caught off guard, she lost her struggle to stay calm. Her carefully structured internal picture shattered. “The – the cradles are experimental. Don’t you understand that? We’re still working things out.” She folded her arms and stiffened. “I’m not comfortable with the idea of…”
    He immediately cut her off. “My people can handle the risks. That’s the point. That’s what they do – it’s their job.” Vandermark’s phone clip emitted a tiny note. He instantly tapped it and turned away from Hahn.
    “Cap? Vandermark. Heads up, I need a sign-off to detain a few people, ASAP.” He listened briefly. “Yeah, the highest possible.

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