Noses Are Red

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Book: Noses Are Red by Richard Scrimger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Scrimger
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the river spray.
    “That was close, back there!” gasps Victor. “Did you remember to close the door, Alan?”
    “Um,” I say.
    “You’re so…”
    “Smart?” I offer. “Brave?”
    He trips over a root, and grabs on to me. We teeter on the edge of the riverbank.
    “So idiotic,” he says.
    We fall into the river together.
    I was hot, and now I’m not. But I don’t feel relieved. The water moves swiftly, carrying me along with it. I use myfeet to push off one rock, only to bash into another one going backward. I bounce off awkwardly, so that I end up sliding downstream feetfirst. After I bump into three rocks in a row, I’m glad I’m going feetfirst. I’d hate to be fending them off with my head.
    I spot Victor, slightly ahead of me. He’s swimming easily, with slow steady strokes, letting the current take him downstream. He’s okay. I’m okay. Our moms would think we were in danger, but we’re way better off than we were just a few minutes ago.
    Now I have time to feel relieved.
cries Norbert.
This reminds me of rides on Jupiter. Only, of course, our water is a different color.
    Not my first dip today – I fell in, loading the canoe. Was it only this morning? I feel years older.
    “Was that all your idea?” I ask Norbert. We slide down a tiny waterfall. Kind of fun. “Screaming like that to get us to run?”

    “Thanks. I think.”
    The dark green treetops make an interesting pattern against the blue sky. We slide by quicker than I could run. The water bends to the right, and widens out. We slow to a walking pace. I put my foot down, to try and stand up, but the current is still strong enough to knock me off my feet. I do a somersault, and end up with my feet out in front of me again. Just as well – a boulder looms. I fend it off.
    The sun is shining directly on my face. It’s been on my face a lot today. I wish I’d brought sunblock. And I’m not the only one.
Whew, I’m getting hot
, says Norbert.
Do you have air-conditioning?
    “I really don’t know,” I say. “Look around in there. Whatever you can find.”
    The water is really slowing down now. The trees on my right slide by in a relaxed, leisurely style. Lots of little eddies and ripples. The bank on my left is lower, and the ground is flatter. Fewer trees, more reeds.
    The water is a different color. I’m sure it’s the same water as before, but when it was splashing over rocks and boulders it looked clean and clear. Now it looks green and dirty.
    Victor is staggering through the shallows, towards the left bank.
, calls Norbert.
I saw a shiver over there.
    Victor pauses. “A shiver?”
We call it a shiver on Jupiter. You know, one of those long thin things. Hisses at you. Alan fell asleep near one just a while ago.
    “A snake? You saw a snake on the bank over there?” He draws back.
Actually, it was in the water.
    Victor hurries out on the right bank. I catch up to him and start to clamber out.
    “Careful,” he says. “It’s slippery.”
    “Yes, if I fell that would be horrible, wouldn’t it? I might get…wet.”
    “Shut up.” He almost smiles.
    The land slopes upwards towards the pine woods. I don’t want to climb the hill. My clothes hang wet and heavy on me. I’m hungry. “Now, what?” I say.
    “I don’t know. I wish Mr. Leech was here. Or the old lady. They could tell us which way to go.”
    “I thought you were a camper,” I say. “Don’t you know what to do on your own?”
    “I’ve always had someone tell me what to do.”
Go to the right
, says Norbert.
And do it now!
    The river bends that way. We won’t be climbing. Sounds as good as anything else. Victor brightens. “Okay,” he says, marching away.
    “Do you have any idea where we’re going, Norbert?” I ask in a whisper.
Shhh. Just keep going.
    Funny thing. I feel better too. I like having someone else do the directing.
    “Careful here,” Victor calls to me. “The

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