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Book: Nolan by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: paranormal romance, Erotic Romance
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late. I know that his wife—I have no idea what her name is—is looking
for ways to get out of this marriage. There was a pre-nup that she wanted him
to sign, but I’m reasonably sure that like with Shelby, he made himself come
out on top of that as well.” She sipped her tea and leaned back in her seat.
“Tell me, young man. This boy, is he…is he doing all right now? I mean, I know
he has lost his mother, but other than his grief, is he well?”
    “Not really.” She nodded and looked sad. “He
and his aunt are currently staying with my brother and his wife. One of my
other brothers, Nolan, asked me to look into this for the sole reason of making
David acknowledge his son. As for your money, you know my family well enough to
know that we’ve no use for yours or David’s. It’s the…I guess you could call it
the principle of the matter now.”
    “Yes, I can see that. And as for the money, I
should have thought before I spoke out of turn. But when you become as jaded as
I have been of late, you think things before asking questions. As for all of
this, I’ll do what I can without…these bills, are there more? Is there
something I can do to help them…? I need to help them. Can you tell me how they
are faring?” Joey nodded and pulled out yet another file. “I’m impressed with
you. I should like for you to come and work for me.”
    “I have plenty to do now, but I thank you. If
you do need me, however, my wife and I can help you. But as for full time, I
have a ranch that we’re working and a baby on the way.” She smiled at him and
told him congratulations. “Thank you. Chris and I are extremely happy.”
    She was still looking over the file that he’d
given her last as well as looking over the other files when the doctor arrived.
They had moved to the dining room. The table there was large enough to
accommodate the files she’d spread out, as well as the pictures she’d had Kason,
her butler, bring to her of David.
    Dr. Jenkins didn’t ask her what it was about,
just took a swab of her mouth and a few hairs, and even a sample of her blood.
When she told him that she wanted it fast, he said that he could have it in
forty-eight hours. Taking the copies of Shane’s bloodwork with him, he was gone
ten minutes after he arrived.
    “I would very much like to meet them.” He
said he wasn’t sure that was a good idea until they knew the results. “You know
as well as I do that Shane is David’s. And I’m going to make sure…well, let me
just say to you that David will know that I do not like to be lied to. I
would…can your family handle a few repercussions? He’ll be pissy and want
revenge. Also, it wouldn’t surprise me if he tried for custody now that it’ll
come out. I’d…I’d like to suggest that your brother marry the aunt and adopt
the boy as soon as possible. There’ll be no change on my end should he do this.
But as far as the courts go, it will go better for them all.”
    Joey told her he’d talk to them. “As far as
you meeting them…I’ll have to talk to them. As I said, Nolan asked me to look
into this and I said that I would.” She asked him again why. “Because of David’s
treatment of the mother, Shane has lost everything. I do realize that he’s
never had much so it wasn’t much of a hardship on him concerning the material
things. But his mother did suffer at David’s hands. They were left without any
kind of support, nor did they even have a home until Rylee, Shelby’s sister,
mustered out of the service to come home and work while caring for them. Sometimes
as many as three jobs at a time just to make the rent. And there were plenty of
times when there simply wasn’t any food.”
    “He wants revenge.” Joey nodded. “Good. I
like a man that will go the extra mile to make things right for his family. And
you coming here…that makes me think you like this Rylee as well.”
    “Yes, ma’am. She’s going to…she and Nolan
have some things to work out, but I

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