Night's Templar: A Vampire Queen Novel (Vampire Queen Series Book 13)

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Book: Night's Templar: A Vampire Queen Novel (Vampire Queen Series Book 13) by Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joey W. Hill
into his jacket, hoping the proximity to his body might jog something loose, but right now this had to be his priority. Keldwyn had indicated the Fae Queen preferred to be met at the forest portal only by her half-sister and the Fae Lord. She and her entourage would then proceed to the house, which was why they were all assembled on the lawn, awaiting the Queen’s arrival so she could greet them formally there.
    Jacob had accompanied Lyssa. Though Mason and others of the Council hadn’t been pleased by Lyssa meeting a Fae entourage so unprotected, it was a reminder that this was supposed to be a social visit, peacekeeping observed on all sides. Vampires were far too used to an evening ending in blood among their own kind, let alone a species with whom they’d had less than friendly relations since…ever.
    At one time, the blood triggers for a vampire social event could have been anything from true insult to an idle desire for lethal sport. Considering their population was not large, intelligent vampires like Lyssa had realized channeling the energy into sexual play with servants at such meetings kept more vampires alive. The evening might still end in blood—just of the less fatal variety.
    He thought of Keldwyn’s mouth so close to his own, the Fae Lord’s whispered words. You frustrate me.
    A shift in the assembled Council vampires and attendants brought his attention back to the forest edge. As the Fae court made their appearance, firelight flickering off their trappings, the line between past and present blurred. For an instant he was on a battlefield years ago, and horses were emerging over the ridge, the sun catching the glitter of weapons, helmets. It felt odd, not being on horseback, ready to meet them, waiting for the call to charge. 
    It was not Saladin’s army. Nor Turkish raiders. He yanked himself back to the present, more forcefully this time. Only two of the entourage were on horseback, the Fae Queen and Lyssa. Jacob was leading her horse and another Fae male was leading the Queen’s. The man was clad in a light armor that molded to his broad-shouldered body, a sword at his hip. His dark hair shot with silver—actual silver, not gray—was pulled back in a braided queue, exposing an unexpected scar on his face. Apparently not all high Fae had the healing ability vampires had, making their beauty eternally flawless. This must be Cayden, captain of the Queen’s Guard. Lyssa had spoken favorably of him.
    The Fae Queen was in a white and silver dress with streaks of blue. It shimmered like a combination of ice and water. Her white hair poured down her back past her hips. A dozen Fae accompanied them on foot, six men and six women, and they were garbed no less spectacularly. They looked exactly as the fables said. Uthe heard the Council members murmuring among themselves. Even Mariela allowed herself a quiet whisper to Jessica about the beauty of the two queens, side by side. Rhoswen was on a snow white stallion, Lyssa on a glossy black palfrey. The horses seemed to tolerate her unusually well, since horses were normally fractious around vampires. Mason was a rare exception, as he kept two Arabians at his South American estate.
    Lyssa and her sister were speaking, Lyssa gesturing as if they were discussing the grounds. So far, so good. Everyone looked congenial. However, the sheer power emanating from the party was causing some uncomfortable glances and movement among the Council members.
    “Is that all coming from the Fae Queen?” Belizar muttered, shifting to Uthe’s side.
    “I expect so. It may be a simple show of strength, to remind us of our place.” He gave his former Council head a look without rancor. “Our current Council head has been known to do something similar at politic moments.”
    Belizar snorted. “You ever keep a salt shaker on your person, my lord, so you can rub it into my open wounds.”
    “I know how tough you are, my old friend. You do not hold onto such things in favor of

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