Night of Nyx (The Nightfall Chronicles 2.5)

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Book: Night of Nyx (The Nightfall Chronicles 2.5) by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karpov Kinrade
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"Don't be. I know what I'm getting myself into. Besides, today was a victory."
    "What'd we win?"
    Trix projects an image onto the wall with her eGlass. People riot down a street. Officers try to push them back. "After you played your video, riots like this broke out all around North America and Europe. Most of them have been put down now, but people aren't happy. You made a fool out of Varian."
    "But the world knows I couldn't beat him," Nightfall says.
    "Nah. For all they know, this was our entire plan. Reveal Varian's corruption."
    "Just got another confirmation," says TR, standing from his chair. He walks over to Zorin who's leaning against a wall. "Sons of Eden just agreed to the meeting. The video got their attention."
    "I was contacted by the Red Eagles earlier," Nightfall says.
    "They've confirmed as well. So have many of the smaller groups. We've got our meeting, man," TR roars, clasping Zorin on the shoulder.
    Nightfall watches them both with a small frown. "You two are getting along."
    "We talked," says TR, by way of explanation.
    Zorin smiles.
    Carter enters with a tray of cups and crackers. "Splendid to see you well, Miss. I prepared a LifeForce green tea to aid in your recovery."
    "Thank you, Carter." She sips it as her eGlass beeps.
    Zorin watches as her smile falls from her lips.
    Her hand trembles, dropping her cup. The glass shatters, spilling red over the floor.
    "Are you alright, Miss?" asks Cater.
    "Yes. I'm fine. Sorry. I'll clean that up."
    "No, allow me, Miss." Carter bends to one knee and begins collecting the pieces of glass. "Miss, can you move over…"
    Nightfall is frozen.
    "N?" asks Trix.
    She doesn't respond.
    She is still, and everyone is silent. Their faces tighten in concern. But not Zorin. He looks at her calmly.
    And her face too becomes calm. She pulls Zorin away from the others and speaks to him quietly. "I have to get back to Castle V,” she says. “King Varian is in town and is about to be presented to the students." She straightens her back and walks out of the room.
    Zorin smiles. She, like him, fears Varian, yet she will still face him. She will still fight. And that is why, one day, she will win.

    Zorin sits on the Cathedral roof and watches Nightfall fly away. When she is beyond his sight, he closes his eyes. When he opens them he sees a memory of Danika in his arms on their wedding day, dead. But not so dead he couldn't bring her back to life. His teeth sink into her neck as he drains her blood, then replaces it with his own. He knows he will face dire consequences for turning a human without permission from the Twilight Queen, but he doesn't have time to go through proper channels.
    The memories flicker, moving to new scenes of them together—flying, free, happy. But those were fleeting.
    And in the end, Zorin is forced to watch as Danika is chained to a pyre and set aflame.
    There's an irony there. The Nephilim Queen did not kill her. It was the Inquisitor who burned her alive as a witch. The universe had too many deaths planned for the woman he loved. They couldn't escape them all.
    He watches the memory. She sings a song in a lilting language as the flames lick at her skin.
    She never screamed. She never cried. She smiled through it all, until her body could no longer withstand the torture.
    He feels her settle beside him as the memory fades. "You should not watch such things. Focus on the happier memories, my love."
    "I cannot get your death out of my mind," he says, turning to look at the ghostly memory sitting by his side.
    "This girl, you care for her?"
    "No," Zorin says.
    Danika laughs. "You never could lie to me well. You are free to love another. It does not diminish the love we have."
    "Had," he corrects.
    "Have," she insists. “Our love will always be, Andriy Zorin. That's why I am still here. To show you our love did not die when I did."
    "You're here because I carted you from my mind."
    "From memories," she says. "From the part of

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