Night Hawk

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Book: Night Hawk by Beverly Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Jenkins
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hear her if she awakened and made an attempt to sneak away under the cover of darkness.
    Looking over at her, he found himself wondering what she’d do if Wells granted her her freedom. She’d given him the impression that she’d been living pretty much hand to mouth since being on her own and finding employment when and where she could. It was not the life a woman should have to lead, no matter who she was, but it wasn’t his concern. Once he heard from Wells and everything was cleared up, he’d go his way and she’d go hers.
    He read the last few verses of Kings and in spite of his claims of being rested, his lids slid closed and after a few more ticks of the clock on the wall, he was asleep.
    Maggie had been feigning sleep, so as soon as his snores reached her ears, she stayed motionless for another minute just to make sure he wasn’t pretending as well before she sat up slowly. Silent as a shadow she left the bed. Having lived in a convent, she knew how to move like a whisper. Gathering up the borrowed clothing, her boots, and her pack, she kept one eye on his sleeping form while she covered the short distance to the door. Hands on the latch, she worked it slowly until the door opened. She shot one last look back his way. Noticing no discernible change in his position or measured breathing, she slipped out and gently shut the door. The sisters at the convent would’ve praised her stealth; Maggie’d only had to be beaten twice to realize that when the nuns said quiet, they meant it.
    She assumed the Tanners were early risers like most farm people, but it was still dark, so she hoped they were asleep. Her heart pounding, she crept by their room as silently as she could. The thought of all the food in the Tanners’ kitchen drew her there. If she succeeded in her escape, food would be needed. She had no money to leave in payment and felt bad about stealing from them after their many kindnesses. Maybe one day in the future she’d be able to return and make amends, but presently she had no time to chide herself about fractured morals. Getting away from the marshal and finding a place to hide until the law forgot about her was her only concern.
    Problem was, she couldn’t see a thing in the small kitchen. Although she’d helped Betsy clean up after dinner, this was not Maggie’s home and therefore she didn’t know what was where in the dark. She sort of knew where the cold box stood, but could she get to it without tripping over something or knocking against something that might be heard and bring attention to herself? She could still taste the succulent chicken Betsy had served for dinner and she knew there’d been a good portion of it stowed away, but decided she’d have to leave without it. Too chancy.
    And just as she turned to head out of the door that led from the kitchen to the outdoors, she saw the light of a candle, followed by Betsy’s soft voice. “Are you leaving us?”
    Startled and guilty, Maggie froze. Taking in a deep breath and knowing the marshal was probably standing behind her as well, she braced herself and turned. “Yes.”
    But Betsy was alone. “Then take these and I’ll get you some food.” She handed Maggie some folded garments. “They’re an old pair of trousers I use in the field, and a man’s shirt.”
    While the speechless Maggie stared agape, Betsy and her candle moved quickly to the cold box, now visible in the small glow.
    â€œWhy are you helping me?”
    Betsy responded with a shrug and whispered, “You shouldn’t be punished for defending your honor, and the color of your skin shouldn’t be a factor, either.”
    Maggie knew Betsy was a female crusader, but also knew that many times crusaders like her were only interested in their own personal equality. At that moment Maggie wished she could remain and enjoy the friendship of such a remarkable woman, but that

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