Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)

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Book: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) by Lindsey Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
laughed and cheered. Aaron entered the ring with his microphone by his side. “You ready for this?”
    Rob shook his head with a laugh. “Probably not.”
    Aaron placed his hand on Rob's shoulder and squeezed. “Before the end of the night, you will be a happy man.” With a wink, Aaron began his introduction of the new GM, who the hell ever she was.

    “I think I'm going to be sick.” Emma put her head between her knees to hold off the nausea.
    “You're nervous,” Harry said while he rubbed her back. “A few more minutes and the security team will be here to escort you to the staging area.”
    “A few more minutes,” she repeated as she brought her head back up and turned her attention to the monitor with a live feed of the event.
    The broadcast showed a montage of several IWA wrestlers voicing their opinions on the next GM's identity. Some came up with ridiculous suggestions. Most thought Bobby Breyer was a sure thing. Not one suspected the former Huntress.
    At that moment, Rob and Chance were in the ring, preparing to celebrate the announcement of what the crowd thought would be Bobby being made GM. Rob controlled his bravado, but she worried about the crowd’s reaction.  The new twist in the show’s story would pit Emma against Bobby for taking a job the fans believed was perfect for him. Rob knew this, but not who his new nemesis would be.
    Rob and Chance continued gearing up the crowd when Aaron's entrance music flowed through the arena.
    Six security guards surrounded Emma to conceal her identity from anyone in the area.
    “You can do this,” Emma chanted to herself. She waited with her eyes closed while she listened to Aaron make his announcement.
    “Gentlemen. I know you are all anxious to meet our new GM and you will. Let's get a few things straight.” Aaron cleared his throat before he continued. “The old regime is finished. We are changing the way we run things around here. With the new direction comes new leadership. I've had the privilege of experiencing many in-depth discussions about the future of the IWA with the person I have chosen to help lead us. Over the last few days, this person has shown me what I already believed with absolute certainty: I had picked the perfect person for the job. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to not only the new General Manager of Televised Events but also the Executive Vice-President of Talent and Creative for the International Wrestling Association.”
    One elongated guitar note later, the crowd hushed.  She listened while her own video montage began to play on the huge video screen.
    The security guards stepped away from Emma to allow her to enter the staging area. “Good luck, Miss MacLean.”
    “Thanks,” she whispered to a security guard before climbing the last few stairs. She flipped her internal switch. “You can do this,” she muttered to herself.
    Her entrance music blared with a Joan Jett type vibe. The kick-ass, chick power anthem was exactly what she needed to calm her nerves and give her the confidence to make her way down the ramp.
    The crowd erupted in cheers as they realized the woman walking toward the ring was Emma MacLean. Before she was even halfway there, she heard her name chanted loudly throughout the arena. She was the picture of confidence as she high-fived several fans and waved to the crowd.
    Once she climbed the ring's steel steps, Aaron held out his hand to help her into the ring. It was an odd action to fit through the ropes with her three-inch heels, stretchy black skirt, and curve-hugging sleeveless purple blouse. After she was all the way in and standing upright, Aaron pulled her into a hug and told her she would be brilliant. He handed her his microphone and gave her the go-ahead to introduce herself to the IWA fans.
    “You surprised?” she asked the crowd who responded with cheers. “A good surprise, I guess.” They got even louder and chanted her name again.
    “First, I want to say thank you to Aaron

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