Nashville SEAL: Jameson: Nashville SEALs

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Book: Nashville SEAL: Jameson: Nashville SEALs by Sharon Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Hamilton
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Military, SEALs
    Jameson finished parking the truck. “Stay right there. Don’t move a muscle.” She smiled. “You moved. You’ll pay for that.”
    “But Jameson, I can’t help it.”
    “And you talked, too. Even worse. Things are going to go very bad for you.” He kissed her, licking her lips with his tongue. “I can taste your juices already, Lizzie. It will be even better if you don’t resist me.”
    “You know I can’t.”
    “Another strike. Oh boy, are we going to have some fun. Mrs. Daniels, you have a willful attitude, not to mention big dangerous mouth. I expect your full and complete surrender.”
    Her pulse surged even higher. Surrender?
    She did so, watching him walking around the front of the truck, and then open the door. She began to step out of the truck, but he stopped her.
    “No ma’am. I didn’t tell you to do that.”
    She remained seated until his right arm snaked under her knees, while his left came around her back and hooked under her armpit. Without effort, he slung her over his left shoulder, as she squealed.
    She could feel him chucking as he carried her through the reception area, to the wide eyes of several guests and the bow-tied gentleman at the front desk, through the courtyard and up the flight of stairs to their room. She thought perhaps he’d put her down, but he merely pulled the key from his front pocket, opened the door and dumped her on the bed. He held his finger to his lips as he made sure the door behind was locked. He pointed to an opened bottle of champagne icing in a silver bucket and raised his eyebrows.
    She was completely disheveled, her shirt riding high on her midriff, her pants twisted, the inseam pressing achingly against her sex. He was pacing in front of her, back and forth. She was thirsty for the champagne, thirsty for him, thirsty for a night of sex.
    “We have some decisions to make, Lizzie.”
    For just a moment, she wondered if he was angry with her. I’m going to ask you questions and you’ll answer me. Quick. Got it?”
    “Why quick?”
    “Because—that wasn’t my question.” He frowned.
    “Yes it was,” she said defiantly. “You asked if I got it. I didn’t get that part. Explain it to me, Jameson.” She followed it up with a smile, and she observed he was having trouble keeping from returning it back to her.
    “Because I want to fuck you senseless right now.”
    “What’s wrong with that?”
    “Sometimes, sweetheart, you have to stick to the plan. I have another plan, but rest assured it will end in me fucking you senseless.”
    “You’re not allowed to ask the questions unless I tell you to do so.” He grinned again, scratching his chin as he perused her body on the bed. “But make no mistake, I promise.”
    She worked to show him how much she wanted him inside her without using her voice or her hands. It was a look that she tried to make burn all the way through him. He inhaled deeply.
    “Choices, before I come right here and spoil everything.”
    “Okay. I’m ready, Jameson.”
    “Bath or shower?”
    She angled her head, considering her choice. “Shower.”
    “Works for me,” he said as he ran to the bed, picked her up and carried her over the threshold of the bathroom doorway. She slid down his body slowly, letting every round part of her body press against his hard parts, ending with her fingers holding onto his ears and then running one hand over his lips. She was daring him to kiss her.
    He raised her arms over her head, and without needing instruction, she left them there while he removed her tee shirt up over her head. He rubbed the satin bra with the back of his hand, and then with the other one, released her clasp. As the bra fell to the ground she felt her breasts fall free, giving her nipples release at last. She was going to rub them, but he stopped her.
    “No. Leave your arms up here.” He placed them back up over her head. He lightly touched her nipples, and then licked his lips.

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