Naming Day (Jake Underwood Book 1)

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Book: Naming Day (Jake Underwood Book 1) by Michael Ruger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Ruger
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the bulk of the staff to gather. The cops wanted to know what was going on, but I assured them that it was bar business and had nothing to do with the case. They didn’t believe me of course but when I pointed out that we could just as easily go elsewhere and take everybody off the premises they relented as long as we didn’t take too long.
    There were still a few missing from the late night shift, but I would have bet that Sergeant Bermuda would be fetching them along soon for questioning. Rakkash’s Salon is named for it’s patron who used to hold a friendly card game here. It was a real shame it ended up with a wickedly curved dagger pushing through his lungs. Kevin named the salon after him in a rare moment of sentiment.
    The staff was standing around, muttering to themselves. There was a strong undercurrent of anxiety running through the salon with a heavy cloud of sorrow laying about the place like a thick fog. I sent Lucinda and another waitress out to grab everyone something to drink. It was just like cops to question people for hours and not offer them anything to drink. As soon as she came back and served everyone, I motioned for everyone to take a chair, except for Jerryk and Tarryk, whose massive frames would have crushed any of the spindly furniture in this room. As if they had rehearsed this move a thousand times, each of them took positions on either side of the door and Jerryk nodded a massive head at me.
    “All right. I assume that everyone here has heard the news? In case you haven’t, the Sheriff tells me that Kevin Unglunblasch, that’s his goblin name by the way, was found dead. Now, I don’t like to trust cops, but I think it would be best to operate under the assumption that like a broken clock, even cops are right a couple of times a day.” I could tell that everyone here had indeed heard the news.
    “What about the Silver Tree? Is it going to close?”
    “I can’t afford to be out of work! I’ve got-“
    “I knew it was too good to last. I-
    “What I want to know is, whose going to speak and do right for Kevin! He-“
    I held up my arms and waved them to quiet the group of distraught, frightened and angry workers. “Calm down! We’ll deal with as much as we can today and try and sort the rest out later. Let’s take the most important thing first, keeping the doors open. Who’s senior on the wait staff?” Lucinda raised her hand slowly, “Lucinda? I thought so. Head Chef?”  A goblin raised his hand.
    “My name’s Critter, sir.”
    “Critter huh?” I smiled. “Bet there’s a story in that name. Unfortunately it will have to wait.” He looked like he wanted to explain but set back down as I continued. “And by the way, don’t call me sir. I’m a working man, not some inner circle noble, no matter what you may have heard. You can call me Jake or Mr. Underwood or even Mister if you must, in some cases “bastard” will also do. Where is Bolan?” I scanned the room until I saw the concierge. Bolan was unusual for a Fey establishment. He was human.
    “Okay, until we learn different, I think we’ll try and keep the place open. I think Kevin would have wanted that, so that’s what we’ll do. Now I know you have a lot of questions, but to keep this down to a manageable level I want Lucinda, Critter, Bolan, Jerryk and Tarryk to stay behind. Besides, I promised the Sheriff and his band of merry questioners I wouldn’t tie you up too long. He has yet more questions to ask and we wouldn’t want him getting nervous. When were done chatting they’ll fill you in. You take your lead from them. You all know what has to be done to get the place ready. I suspect that with all that has happened, The Silver Tree is going to be jumping tonight with regulars who want to know what’s going on and the morbidly curious who always show up to stare or gloat. Do your jobs and let the leads deal with any problems that arise. Oh yeah, don’t interfere with the cops. They won’t like it and

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