fabric of her T-shirt. "I forgot to put my bra back on,” she
sighed as she realized she’d been too distracted as she’d left her apartment.
“I see that,” Seth
murmured, an edge to his voice now. He seemed to be coiled a little tighter
than he’d been a few minutes before. “But don’t do so on my account.”
She sneered,
but without much heat. “Hopefully they won’t get any bigger.” She liked her
breasts quite well at the moment, but if they grew anymore she would have to
change her mind.
Seth chuckled.
“Don’t hope that on my account.”
herself, Erin felt an answering amusement bubbling inside her. Then it spilled
out into soft, appreciative laughter. They shared an amused, ironic smile.
“All right,”
she concluded, wishing she weren’t still quite so restless. Her body was
starting to get ideas, prompted by the underlying spark in Seth’s gaze. “I feel
better about everything.”
She pulled her
t-shirt down a little farther, hoping it would meet the top of her pants. “I
have the doctor’s exam on Friday,” she reminded him.
“I know. It’s on
my schedule.”
“Okay.” Erin
was edgy and fidgety, and it felt like her breasts were tingling a little too
much. She felt very conscious of her body, mostly because she was pretty sure
that Seth was conscious of it too. “I’ll see you there then.”
She turned
toward the door, wishing he didn’t look quite so disheveled and adorable without
his sleek business suit on.
“Have a good
evening,” he murmured as she started leaving.
“You too.”
She shut the
door behind her. Shook herself off a little.
Hormones, she
decided. They did crazy things to your emotions.
And they gave
you crazy impulses that shouldn’t be indulged.
Erin shifted uncomfortably on
the examination bed, feeling vulnerable, exposed, and annoyed.
And really
needing to pee.
“We can wait a
couple of minutes if you think he’ll be here soon,” the doctor offered, looking
at Erin’s flushed, irritated face sympathetically.
“No. The
appointment was for forty-five minutes ago. If he was coming, he’d be here by
She hadn’t
really been eager to have Seth present at her private exams but, even so, she
was kind of disappointed that he’d stood her up so obviously, after making such
a point of being invited.
Had the doctor
been on time, the appointment might have already been over. Predictably, the
doctor had been running twenty-five minutes late. But now they’d covered the
first part of the routine exam and were preparing for the in-office ultrasound scan.
But still no Seth.
Erin had spoken
to him on the phone just last night, and she’d reminded him of the appointment
yet again, but apparently it had slipped his mind. Or else something more
important had come up.
Men usually
didn’t get into this sort of thing as much as women did—at least, that was what
Erin had been told. But, still, as the doctor started making necessary
adjustments to the machine, Erin admitted to herself that she was disappointed.
She’d been
starting to accept the fact that he would be a real presence.
And he wasn’t
even present here today.
Irony, her old
friend, was never far away.
It was to be
expected, just the way the world worked. Why would she and her baby be a
priority to Seth Thomas?
“Ready?” the
doctor asked, turning to face her with a smile.
Erin looked at
the closed door. “Yep,” she said, forcing a cheerfulness she didn’t feel.
Before the
doctor could start rubbing the gel on her belly, there was a discreet tap on
the door. At the doctor’s response, one of the receptionists stuck her head in.
“I’m so sorry, Dr. Warren, but there’s a very agitated gentleman up front who
insists that he’s expected.”
Erin let her
breath out in such a rush that she actually giggled a little. With her consent,
the doctor told the receptionist to show him in.
A minute later,
Seth burst into the room. He was flushed slightly,
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