Mystics 3-Book Collection
name without a
    Zoey sat down in front of her computer. Her
cheeks burned, and she knew she was probably as red as her hair. In
the corner of her eye she could see a blond boy on her left trying
to get her attention, but she ignored him. She needed to
concentrate and prove to Agent Ward and everyone else that she
    Breathing in, she logged on. She had to type
her name three times for it to work. Her fingers trembled, but
finally the screen flashed and writing appeared on a blue
background. She read:
    Mystics Theoretical, Group 1 – Division
    She pressed enter . A window opened,
and the following folders appeared.
    A Mystic way of life: Philosophy behind the
    Management rules and regulations
    The Mystic Manual, Ranks 1 - 12
    Mystic Treaty
    “Let’s continue. We were identifying rank
two mystics and groups before we were interrupted,” Agent Ward
said. “Leah, please name me the first ten mystics from that
    A girl of about sixteen with a long brown
ponytail stood up. “Adaro, álfar, bathin, caliban, cyclops, dain,
duineach, hobgoblin, goblin, and griffin.”
    “And which group do they belong to?” asked
Agent Ward.
    “The ally group, except for the hobgoblins
and goblins which are in the hostile group,” answered the girl.
    “Good. I expect everyone to know the first one hundred by heart, by the end of the month.” She
stared at Zoey for a moment. “Everyone open your Mystic Manual,
rank two folder, and go to page thirty-five.”
    Zoey had no idea there were so many
monsters— mystics , she reminded herself. There were several
hundred, just in the second rank folder. Every mystic had its own
file, like a police record, with a photo, a description of what it
looked like, and a brief history of the creature. Half of the
mystics in this folder had the word ‘hostile’ written in bold red
letters. Not all the mystics were friendly—she knew this—and she
would have to learn to distinguish friend from foe very
    After three full hours of studying, Zoey’s
eyes hurt from looking at the screen. She was grateful when Agent
Ward announced it was time for lunch.
    When she stood up, she caught the boy Stuart
glowering at her again. She wondered if he ever used another face.
He was joined by three other boys and two girls, all of whom gave
her evil you-don’t-belong-here looks. They were the same
looks she used to get from the kids back at her old high school.
Foster kids were troublemakers—so everyone used to say—she’d been
labeled a freak from early on. The agency seemed to have the same
kind of cliques.
    She noticed that some of the other students
wore the same ruby rings on their fingers. It meant something, and
she was going to find out what.
    “Ignore them,” said Tristan as he challenged
Stuart with a dark look. “He thinks because his last name is King,
that he can boss everyone around like he’s royalty or
    Zoey watched Stuart put his hand on one of
the other boys’ shoulders and whisper something.
    “What’s up with those rings? The ones
they’re wearing with the red circle.”
    Tristan followed her gaze. “They say it’s a
symbol of the Originals, those who wear them think they’re like their descendants.”
    “And what exactly are the Originals ?”
asked Zoey.
    “The original Sevenths,” answered Tristan.
“The first people like you and me—people with our abilities that
existed in this world centuries ago.”
    Somehow Zoey didn’t want King Stuart to have
such a significant part in the Sevenths’ ancestry. It gave him airs
that he didn’t have any proper claim to.
    “So, Stuart and them are really descendants of these Originals? Well, that’s too bad, I was hoping
to steal his ring and feed it to him later,” she said.
    Tristan laughed softly. “The truth is, it’s
a bunch of made up stories if you ask me. No one can really tell
who the real descendants are. The Originals existed centuries ago.
I don’t

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