My White Hero

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Book: My White Hero by J A Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: J A Fielding
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in the fold, but Rochelle, this is breathtakingly delicious,” Duncan said. Rochelle smiled.
    “ Yeah,, Rochelle. If this is your apology recipe may I suggest the new shoes you ruined last year without asking my consent?” Cynthia said smiling. Rochelle laughed.
    “ First, thank you, Duncan, that means a lot to me. Secondly, Cynthia, that was not my fault. Who buys suede during winter?” she asked. Cynthia frowned.
    “ Well, I do,” Desiree said. Taylor looked at her, surprised.
    “ You do?” he asked.
    “ What? You don’t have to look bad just because it’s all snowy outside,” she said. Taylor laughed.
    “ You would have been a terrible soldier,” he said as he took a bite of his steak. “Duncan’s right, Rochelle. This is great,” he said as he took another bite of his food. Rochelle shrugged again and smiled.
    “ Enough about winter boots, guys. Or do you want to hear about our footwear choice by the season, Duncan?” Desiree asked. Duncan laughed.
    “ I am actually enjoying being with this family in its natural habitat,” he said. “Plus, it is good to have something prepared by someone else for a change and not cringe as you take every bite,” he added as he took another bite. Desiree smiled and leaned on Taylor.
    “ He’s a keeper,” she whispered to him. Taylor smiled back at her.
    For the rest of the dinner, they talked of old schools, neighborhoods, likes and dislikes. By the time they finished dinner, one thing was clear. Cynthia and Duncan had hit it off. They were whispering into each other’s ears, brushing their hands against each other and at some point even danced. Of course, it might have been the effects of the wine served that night, but the Young sisters were definitely happy that their cousin was having a good time. She had spent her life wallowing in self-pity for too long. It was about time she got out of it and who knew, maybe Duncan was exactly what she needed.
    Before long, Taylor and Desiree were the only ones left at the table. Tony and Rochelle were seated on the couch pretending to watch a movie even though Desiree knew that all they were doing there was just making dirty talk. Cynthia and Duncan were deeply engaged in a video game. Desiree shook her head.
    “ You know when Rochelle and Cynthia first talked of buying that game, I thought they were nuts,” she said smiling.
    “ Why? That’s one of the most exciting pastimes I have ever heard of,” Taylor said. Desiree shook her head.
    “ When we have kids we won’t get them video games. I mean, I turned out just fine without frying my brain killing trolls and shooting at terrorists,” she said. Taylor looked at her and smiled.
    “ When we have kids?” he asked. She smiled at him.
    “ Don’t you want kids?” she asked. Taylor took her hand in his and smiled.
    “ Of course I want kids. I just didn’t think you saw a future that far with me,” he said. She smiled and shrugged again.
    “ Well, you are a keeper, Ericson, and I will go to the ends of the earth before I finally let you go,” she said. Taylor smiled at her.
    “ That is the most perfect thing you have ever said to me,” he said before kissing her hand. “But video games are an essential part of a child’s growth so let’s agree to disagree,” he said.
    “ Come on, Ericson. Tell me, when did you play your first video game? And I am talking about these shooting stuff that Playstation and Xbox have come up with, not good old Super Mario,” she said as she looked at him. Taylor shrugged.
    “ Okay, maybe I was old enough, but does it mean that because we grew up without phones and internet that we should have our kids use the public library and house phones?” he asked. Desiree looked at him, defeated.
    “ Well, those are essentials,” she said in her defense. Taylor laughed.
    “ Really? Our teenage daughter will use her phone to tweet and chat up her friends about the hottest boy while our son uses the internet to watch porn in his

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