My Texas Sweetheart (book one)

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Book: My Texas Sweetheart (book one) by Pauliena Acheson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pauliena Acheson
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anyone! But I think that is about to change… especially after what almost happened tonight. I know for a fact there is no way Chase is going to keep his mouth shut, so my other brothers are going to know soon enough. I am also pretty damn sure that I haven’t seen the last of Christian, I have a feeling the next time I see him that things are going to go downhill fast. All hell will break loose! I get so lost in thought that I didn’t hear Chase calling my name.
    “Sorry… what did you say” I ask looking at him, he gets this sad look on his face and I know he’s thinking about what he walked in on.
    “Nothing baby girl” giving me a small smile, he turns his attention to Jase and Kara who just joined us.

Chapter 8 (Jase)
    Why won’t he let go of Maggie’s hand? It’s almost like he is worried that if he does, something will happen to her. I look around.  Wait a second…Where did Christian go? Did something happen with him? “Is it just me or does Chase seem worried about Maggie? He won’t let her go,” I say to Kara. 
    “No, I see it, too.  Doesn’t look like anybody else does, though.” Maggie keeps looking over at us and smiling.
    Wait a second. Is that a bruise on her arm? She didn’t have that an hour ago! What the hell happened?! “I’m pretty sure something happened between her and Christian. Look at the bruise on her arm. That would certainly explain why he won’t let her go just yet,” I tell Kara.
    She looks at the bruise, but grabs my arm when I start to head over there. “Don’t say anything yet, Jase,” she says.
    “But I need to know if that asshole hurt her,” I growl.
    “Okay, but be calm until we know what happened.”
    We make our way over to them. Maggie looks at us and smiles. “Chase, this is Jase, and this is Kara, Gabe’s girlfriend,” Lily tells him.
    He smiles at us. “It’s nice to see that one of my brothers has settled down. Very nice to meet you, Kara. Jase, I’ve heard so much about you…within the last ten minutes. Very nice to meet you, also.” I raise my eyebrows at his comment and look at Maggie, who has her mouth hanging open. She smacks Chase, but he just laughs.
    “How long do you plan on staying?” Brad asks Chase.
    “Three or four weeks.” They all smile at that answer.
    We all stand there talking for a while. Eventually, Brad and Lily go off to talk with some of their friends; Chase finally lets go of Maggie’s hand, and she goes off with Amy and Kara; and we boys head outside for some beers and fresh air. Chase walks next to me, while the rest walk ahead of us. “My baby sister really likes you. Of course, she won’t admit it right now. Would you ever change your ways for her?”
    I think about it . “I like her a lot, but that’s not the problem. I think she deserves a hell of a lot better than me. I’m not sure if I can give up that lifestyle just yet.”
    He nods . “Fair enough. Just be good to her and don’t lead her on.” I want to ask him about what happened to Maggie’s arm, but I’m not sure that he’d tell me so I keep my mouth shut.
    We talk more about Maggie, he tells stories of when they were all kids, what it was like growing up on a ranch, and about being in the Navy SEALS. We end up at the river just like last night but, this time, Chase is here and Maggie is inside. “I found Maggie in the barn when I got here,” Chase says with forced casualty. That makes all of us sit up. That has to be why he wouldn’t let go of her hand. What happened? If Christian did anything to her… I don’t even want to think about what I would do.
    “What do you mean?” Creed growls. We all want to know what happened.
    “Some guy was trying to force himself on her. Maggie was telling him no when I rushed in. I beat his ass, but I wish I got there sooner.”
    I meet Adam ’s eyes and read Christian’s death in them. I know he sees the same thing in mine. Why did we let her walk out the door with him? 

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