My Mr. Manny

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Book: My Mr. Manny by Jennifer Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Garcia
Tags: Romance
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and clean napkins by our placements.
    I took three of my homemade chocolate chip cookies and warmed them in the microwave, and then topped them with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream. I also brought different types of sprinkles, jimmies, and chocolate syrup to the table. By the time Lucia was done with all of the toppings, we couldn’t even see her ice cream. Dominic and I just used the chocolate syrup.
    When Dominic was getting ready to leave, Lucia ran over to him and squeezed him with her little arms wrapped around his waist. He bent down to pick her up to give her a proper hug. They whispered to each other, and she gave him a smooch on the cheek. I stood off to the side watching. Even though I felt like I was an intruder on their newfound friendship, it was a wonderful ending to a pleasant beginning.
    Lori shook me out of my reverie: “You can’t predict what is going to happen, nor should you lose out on a great opportunity because of what might be. Just go with it. He’s a wicked good guy, and I’d trust him with my kids if I had any.”
    And she was right. If he were good to my baby girl then I’d have nothing to worry about. I breathed out a big sigh, ready to start a new chapter in our lives.
    Sunday, Dominic’s move-in day, arrived. Lucia was just as nervous and excited to have him come live with us as I was.
    In his new room, I placed a basket with toiletries and brand new color-coordinated towels to match the decor. His bathroom and bedroom were decorated in chocolate brown, burnt orange, and a beautiful shade of teal, which seemed masculine enough for him. I put fresh, sweet-smelling lilies and tulips in his room, and the scent wafted out into the hallway, making the whole house smell delicious
    I was both anxious and nervous for him to arrive. The refrigerator was stocked with enough fruits, vegetables, and meats to make dinner for about a week. Lucia’s favorite strawberry yogurt sat in there as well. I had Lucia put her backpack, shoes, and the few toys she had in the living room, away in her own bedroom. She had made him a “Welcome Home” sign to make him feel comfortable. I had a set of keys made for the house and a key-card for the security gate ready for him. Also, I set up a binder with phone numbers and all of the information he might need. Lucia and I made him chocolate chip-oatmeal cookies and placed them in a decorative fashion on a fancy platter.
    Dominic was supposed to come straight from the airport, which was about fifteen minutes away. We had arranged for SuperShuttle to pick him up and drive him to the condo. The service was cheap, and it allowed Lucia and me time to get everything ready. The phone rang, and Lucia began jumping around screaming, “He’s here! He’s here, Momma!”
    I laughed as I reached for the phone. “Yes baby, I think he is.” I picked up the phone. “Hello.”
    “Hello, this is Shawn from security, and Dominic Roberts is here.”
    “Send him in, Shawn. Thank you.”
    I turned to Lucia. “He’s here. Get ready.” She ran to get her sign so she could hold it up when he walked in the door. On the inside, I felt like jumping up and down too, but that would look ridiculous, so instead, I just waited in front of the door.
    At last, he knocked, and I swear both Lucia and I ran for it. I reached for the knob while placing my right hand on my heart in an attempt to calm it down from beating so fast.
    Taking a cleansing breath, I opened the door, smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. “Hi, Dominic.” I waved him in. When I closed the door, I turned around and shot my eyes to Lucia so Dominic would notice the sign she was holding. Her arms must have been hurting from lifting it up so long.
    “Hi, girls. Wow, Lucia. Is that for me?” he asked, and his eyes widened in delight. His smile was so beautiful. His lips turned up a little more on one side than the other. Adorable.
    “Yes, it is. I made it all by myself.” Lucia was so proud.
    He walked over to her

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