well as Seth had hoped. They weren’t exactly happy about Jaks, Drake had said, which meant he was pissed. He said at one point Seth and Xavier almost went to blows and had to be pulled apart by Sam and Max, while Drake had taken Jaks to get lunch. I guess it was lucky for Xavier that Drake wasn’t there, whatever he had said or done to push Seth to that point would have probably gotten him murdered by my brother.
I banged my forehead against the steering wheel a few times, I didn’t want to mess up Seth’s life, and I knew he and his other band members are like brothers. I also knew they wouldn’t exactly be thrilled by the situation, but nothing could be done about it now. My day hadn’t gotten any better after the phone call. When I showed up to work, Cris ignored me for the most part, the only time he acknowledged I was there was when he barked orders at me or griped that I didn’t do something, I didn’t know I was supposed to do. I had never been more relieved for Vic to show up in the shop.
I knew I couldn’t sit here any longer, so I made myself get out of the car and walk up to the front door, I was about to knock when it opened and Max emerged.
“You heading to the shop?” I asked.
“Yea, I have to be in at 7. How was it looking when you left?” he asked.
“Busy as normal, Cris and Vic were both working on a couple of walk-ins and Jules had a couple looking at flash.”
“Great, sounds like I will be busy tonight,” he said with a smile. “Good luck in there, things are a bit tense.”
He walked off to his car and I went inside quietly shutting the door. I walked through the house noticing all the work Xavier had put into it, it was looking good. I walked into the game room and found a couple of the guys playing Xbox, but the sight that stopped me was Jaks sitting on Seth’s lap. He was watching Seth‘s every move as Seth played his acoustic guitar singing quietly. Jaks had a look of rapture on his face, the same look I noticed that Seth had when he played.
Drake and Sam walked up from behind me, Drake putting an arm around my waist Sam an arm around my shoulders, I leaned into Sam giving him a half hug. Sam was always my favorite out of Seth’s other band mates; he was originally in the same garage band as my brother and Seth. Sam was very ghandiesque, always calm, collected. He didn’t talk much but when he did you listened, he and his brother were like night and day.
“Hey Dev, long time no see,” Sam said.
“Hi, Sam, yea it’s been way too long,” I responded. “How long has that been going on?” I asked tilting my head at Jaks and Seth on the couch.
“About an hour now,” Drake said. “If I knew that’s all it took to keep the Taz still I would have dragged Seth’s ass here years ago.”
I had to laugh at this, Jaks was definitely an active 2 year old, never stopping and getting into everything.
“You’ve done a great job with that little boy, Dev, you should be proud,” with that Sam walked into the room and plopped down beside Alex.
Jaks looked up where I was standing and gave me a lopsided grin, “Mommy!” he yelled pushing away from Seth to get to me.
I bent down waiting for the impact I knew was coming. “Hey little man, how was your day with daddy?”
With that he took off a mile a minute telling me about his day, and all I could do was nod and smile at the right places. When he was finally finished telling me, he jumped off me and attacked Drake. I knew he and Drake would be horsing around for a while so I walked over to Seth who had been watching me since Jaks announced my arrival.
I sat down beside Seth and ignored the dirty looks both Xavier and Alex were shooting me, I didn’t care if they were mad or not.
Seth sat his guitar down and wrapped his arm around my shoulders tugging me closer then brushing a kiss across my lips.
“How was your
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