Mother of Prevention

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Book: Mother of Prevention by Lori Copeland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Copeland
Demons swarmed my mind. Had he found something? Would he walk through that door with a sober expression and regretfully break the news that I had only scant weeks to live? I shuddered, clasping my arms around my middle. There had been an odd pain recently—near the upper rib cage. What organ would that involve? Did they have treatment for my particular case? No. They wouldn’t if I had scant weeks to live.
    Scant. How many weeks were in “scant,” anyway?
    I had broken out into a cold sweat when Dr. Bates sailed into his office and sat down behind his desk.
    “First the good news—you’re healthy as a horse.”
    I felt faint with relief, although the comparison wasn’t exactly flattering.
    “You’re a little anemic, but nothing unusual for a woman your age. And you could use a few extra pounds. So eat up.” He scribbled on a pad, then tore off the sheet and handed it to me. “Get this filled and take one a day. With food.”
    I scanned the prescription. “Okay.”
    The doctor settled back in his chair, his dark eyes studying me. “Now for the bad news.”
    I glanced up, heart racing. He’d said I was healthy as a horse. I knew it—healthy as a horse can be in my condition.
    “Your right eardrum has a small tear, minute but worrisome. You fly almost every week, if I recall.”
    I nodded. “Twice a week. I teach classes out of state.”
    He shook his head and steepled his forefingers, resting his mouth against them for a prop. “Sorry, Kate, but I’m going to have to ground you. That tear will heal if we’re careful. If not, I’ll want to watch it over a period of time before we consider surgery. You’ll be running the risk of hearing loss in that particular ear if we don’t take care of the problem once and for all. Didn’t we talk about this last year?” He glanced at my chart. “You were complaining of pressure, and you had a sinus infection and drainage.”
    I nodded. He’d touched on the subject, but at the time the eardrum wasn’t perforated.
    “I have considerable discomfort on takeoffs and landings. Even with the antibiotic and allergy medicine you prescribed last year, the pain is intense.”
    “Then you’ve got to stay out of planes for a while.”
    “But my job…” Did I have to remind him I was sole breadwinner now, and my job necessitated flying?
    He shook his head, his expression stern. “That right ear is in jeopardy. You’re grounded—at least until the problem is corrected. Talk to your superiors. I’m sure something can be worked out.”
    I left the sprawling medical complex in a daze. If I couldn’t travel, I couldn’t teach. If I couldn’t teach, La Chic would have to replace me. And who knew for how long or if I’d ever get the position back? Dr. Bates had said the tear might not heal even if I were careful. Surgery loomed like an approaching cold front.
    I took a chance that Maria, my superior, would still be in her office. When I pulled into the salon, I saw her white Lexus parked in back. I used the employees’ entrance.
    Maria glanced up when I tapped on her door. The French-born, attractive brunette always seemed rushed, so I stated my case as quickly as possible.
    She folded her hands on the desk and stared at me, noncommittal for a moment. I could see my career—and paycheck—flying out the window.
    “For how long, chérie? ”
    “The doctor doesn’t know—there’s no way to know. Maybe as long as a year.”
    “A year.” She gave a French-sounding tssk. The row of silver arm bracelets tinkled melodiously when she reached up and touched her cheek. “One year. Disturbing.”
    “Maybe sooner,” I offered. I adored my job, and I didn’t want to lose any part of it, though the idea of not flying made me almost giddy. No more angst-filled flights, crowded airports and overbooked airlines. No more cold and impersonal hotel rooms, lugging baggage, cabs in unfamiliar cities. I hadn’t realized it before, but now I was stunningly aware I didn’t really

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