they talked of being lonely in a loveless marriage.
She meandered down and up the numerous aisles looking for inspiration for a food item which may tempt Adrian from his room. Eventually Jocasta plumped for tuna pasta bake, always guaranteed to make Adrian smile. She went through the checkout and paid for her items then stopped to look at the board where customers would advertise their cast offs for sale. Sometimes a bargain could be had here. As Jocasta looked through the Ads for second hand buggies, cots, toys, furniture and empty fish tanks, she spotted the situations vacant board which was usually empty. Today there was an advert for a position in the store to be a floor assistant. Believing Adrian might be interested and wanting to give him an advantage, Jocasta removed the advert from its slot and put it in her pocket to take home. This could be just the thing Adrian needed to break into the world of work; it may even get him out of his bedroom and onto the sofa. Jocasta left Big Value feeling optimistic about her return home, sometimes more than just household items could be found in the supermarket; this could change Adrian's life.
Jocasta was thrilled to find Adrian sitting on the sofa when she got home. He had turned on the television and was busy watching a programme about antiques with a decidedly orange David Dickenson rabbiting on about chips. "What do you think?" Jocasta said as she moved into the room, "Its great isn't it?"
"Mmm." Adrian's usual monosyllabic reply came. "Need Sky Plus." He stated before getting up and starting the return journey to his bedroom.
"Well," said Jocasta, "There's a job going at Big Value." She handed him the card. "If you got that you could afford to get it."
Adrian took the card from her hand. He smiled a smile which made Jocasta's heart thump in her chest. "Yeah actually that's a good idea." He enthused, "I'll go there now."
Adrian went and took his jacket from the coat hook, putting it on he then said, "I will see you later." He gave a short wave before leaving the flat.
The job was obviously what had been missing from Adrian's life. Jocasta gave a silent prayer to an unknown God to let Adrian get the job. It pleased her that she had made Adrian smile on his birthday; even if it wasn't with the television she had spent so much money on. Her boy was happy and that's all she needed in her life.
Putting the pasta on to boil Jocasta sang 'Mama Mia' as she opened a tin of tuna and another of sweetcorn. Food always made her happy. The thought of the flavours entering her mouth, followed by the juicy chew and the satisfying lump in her gullet as the food moved down to her stomach was like sex to Jocasta. Made even more pleasurable by the promise of a pudding, which was a rarity because of the expense. There was pudding today of course and she eyed the Victoria sponge hungrily. "You will be mine, oh yes, you will be mine," she promised the sponge cake. Jocasta eagerly awaited the arrival of Adrian. She hoped it was good news. The meal, the television and a new job would make this the best birthday present Adrian had ever had.
The front door opened just as she set the pasta bake on the table. "I got it." yelled Adrian from the corridor. He came into the kitchen with a jaunty walk and a true smile on his face. "I got the job." he exclaimed.
"Oh that is wonderful Adrian; I knew you would get it."
"Yes, I'm working on the shop floor stacking shelves but if I do well they might put me on the tills."
Jocasta hadn't seen Adrian this animated for a long time. She knew then that he had turned the corner into adulthood and the visions of comfortable nights in watching the new television came back to her. Everything was going to be lovely.
Chapter 9
'The wicked envy and hate ; it is their way of admiring.'
Emo Philips
December 2000
Adrian woke up after his anaesthetic. A sudden nausea overcame him and he leant over the bed to be sick.
"It's ok darling." His
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