Morgan's Son

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Book: Morgan's Son by Lindsay McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay McKenna
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business at hand. She seated herself and watched as Talbot shut the door, then reclaimed his seat.
    Jake folded his hands in front of him and looked gravely at each of them. "We've got some real reservations, and I think we should put them on the table for discussion."
    Craig waited.
    Sabra frowned.
    "We feel there's a lot of antagonism between the two of you. That's not good for the mission. I'm worried, frankly, that you aren't going to listen to Sabra, Talbot. Tell me I'm wrong, will you?"
    Craig shrugged. "I said I'd follow her orders. If I feel there's a different way, a better one, we'll discuss it."
    "Sabra, how do you feel about that?"
    "I don't have a problem with communicating, Jake. It's absolutely essential on a mission like this. I want to talk everything out beforehand."
    "All right," Jake said, his features reflecting a degree of mollification. He turned to Talbot. "We all have the impression you don't really like Sabra."
    Craig smarted at Jake's statement. "Then you're wrong," he snapped. "I neither like nor dislike her."
    "Something's eating you about her," Jake prodded. "You tell us what it is."
    Wrapping his hand around his cold cup of coffee, Craig said, "I don't like her high level of confidence. It could get us killed."
    Sabra glared across the table at him. "My ‘high level of confidence' has often kept me and my partner from getting killed, Mr. Talbot. I think you've got this all wrong, frankly." Damn! Why couldn't she just stick to the facts? Why keep rising to his bait? Sabra closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them, she held up her hands. "Hold it. We've got to stop this bickering. I have to stop making digs at Talbot." She opened her eyes and held his blunt stare. "I don't like it that you seem too careful. That can hurt our efforts as much as going off half-cocked."
    "Neither of those ways will serve you," Jake warned darkly. "You two are going to have to talk at an impersonal level with one another and hash these things out. Sabra, you're right—you can't afford to pick at Talbot. He has a different operating procedure than you do, is all. That's not to say his way is bad. It's just different from yours."
    "I know that," she said irritably. "And I promise to make the necessary compromises to ensure this mission is successfully completed and Jason is returned to Laura. That's all I want, Jake."
    "I know," he murmured. "What about you, Talbot? Do you think you can compromise with Sabra, if it comes down to that? Or are you going to shove your way of doing things down her throat?"
    Talbot's mouth quirked. "I'll compromise, Randolph ."
    "Then we have your word on this—both of you," Jake said, relief now evident in his voice.
    A light knock sounded at the door. He scowled. "It's probably Laura." He looked at them darkly. "Keep your war between yourselves. Show her your best side. I don't want her worrying any more than necessary."
    Craig stood as a small, thin woman with blond hair was ushered into the War Room by Marie. He was shocked by her haggard appearance—and felt an unwanted pang at the sight of the small blue blanket and stuffed squirrel she clutched to her. When Jake introduced him, Laura gave him such a warm, grateful smile that he temporarily forgot everything. Her blue eyes swam with tears as she reached out toward him.
    "Marie says you're wonderful, Mr. Talbot," she whispered. She gripped his hand. "I'm so grateful you're taking on this mission. Here, I wanted to give you this. This is Jason's ‘blanky.'"
    Craig gently took the very worn, obviously much-loved blanket from her. The figure of Winnie-the-Pooh was embroidered into one corner of the soft blue fabric, though it, too, had lost some of its color over the past five years. "Sure," he whispered, touched by her intense emotions, "we'll take it with us, Mrs. Trayhern."
    "Oh…" Laura choked, pressing her fingertips against her lips and reaching out to touch the blanket one last time. "I pray you'll be able to give it

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