More Than Enough (Enough #2)

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Book: More Than Enough (Enough #2) by Kate Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Daniels
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of the football field and wait for our music to start. I’m right beside Carter who is front and center as the music begins to pulse out and fill the stadium.
    We start to move to the music, and I spot Keller standing beside Brayden on the field watching. There is one moment where Carter and I dance together, and I see him take a quick intake of breath and have to look down. Now I wonder is that because of Carter or me. At the end, Carter does a back flip into a split, and the whole stadium goes crazy as they cheer and applause. The football team comes running out on the field after that, and all the football players find the girls that they’re dating or interested in and stake their claim. Brayden picks Carter up and kisses her hard in front of everybody. As they stay wrapped around each other and getting even more into kissing Keller bumps Brayden hard.
    Brayden give him a dirty look but pulls himself back and just wraps his arms around the front of Carter as he stands behind her. Keller stands next to me, but I don’t know if it was intentional or convenient since I was beside Carter. We wave to the crowd, and Rachel leads the dance team to our spot off the field. Carter comes last as she was giving both Brayden and Keller last minute hugs.
    The game starts soon after that, and Keller makes tackle after tackle on the Citadel’s offense. But Brayden hasn’t been able to convert any plays into touchdowns. He’s had a few open guys, but his throw seems a little off. Carter is trying to not let it affect how she da nces, but I can see the worry on her face. Finally, halftime comes with the score still 0-0. We go to the middle to dance, and I can see Carter put her game face on and get ready to perform. We dance together, and she nails every move perfectly. At the end, we follow Rachel back to our spot.
    A hand grabs me and pulls me away from the group. I look up into Keller’s gorgeous green eyes and don’t even hear what he’s saying. He shakes me and repeats, “Athena, I need you to go get Carter. Brayden needs her right now. He’s a fucking mess.” I nod but am still stunned by being so close to him and what it does to me. But I hustle as fast as I can and grab Carter. I whisper quietly, “Keller’s at the edge of our group, and he says Brayden needs you. Let me lead you to him.” She just nods solemnly and silently follows me back to Keller. She runs to him, and he hugs her tightly.
    “What’s wrong, Kell? Why’s Bray such a mess out there?”” He just shakes his head sadly at her and explains, “I don’t know, sweetheart. But this game is really important for him. If he doesn’t perform, he could start riding the bench and never return to starting.” Carter starts tearing up as she realizes how serious this could become for his future. Then she seems to pull herself together, “Take me to him, Kell.” He nods and grabs her hand.
    They head out through the stadium passing a ton of people along the way. I want to follow because I care about all three of them, but I’m not a part of their family so I don’t. It’s not until halftime is almost over that Carter returns. She still looks beautiful but a mess as she comes back to stand beside me.
    Her eyes are red from crying, and there are tear tracks down her cheeks. I just reach over and hug her. Holding on to her tight and just letting her feel my support. Eventually, she pulls away and tells me, “Thanks, Athena, I really needed that.” I still keep a hand on her shoulder trying to let her that I’m right here with her and ask, “Is Brayden okay? Were you able to talk to him?” She nods and said, “Yeah, I talked to him. He’s just not understanding why he can’t get his head in the game. He’s scared that if he can’t be a superstar at football that I’ll find someone better. I was trying to take that pressure off him by explaining that he’s all I could ever want. It was just hard to see him doubt himself like that. He’s always so

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