More Like Her

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Book: More Like Her by Liza Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liza Palmer
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    “Ms. Reid, I certainly do not appreciate you asking Mr. Sprague to leave after I’ve summoned him.”
    “Surely you couldn’t expect an honest conversation with him present.”
    “I expected you to help discipline him.”
    “Why would I discipline him when I don’t understand the situation completely?”
    “Mr. Sprague got into a fight with Mr. Stone. He attacked him in English class.”
    “Harry is one hundred pounds soaking wet and goes to panels on how to learn the Vulcan language. Sean is a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound brute who slams soda cans into his forehead for fun. I assure you, this ‘fight’ has way more to it than you’re acknowledging.”
    “No matter.”
    “You’re going to have to walk me through how Harry having a black eye is ‘no matter.’ ”
    “From what I’ve inferred Mr. Sprague provoked Mr. Stone, which then caused Mr. Sprague’s injuries,” Emma says, slipping on her glasses briefly to read the scribbled notes on an accident report.
    “Provoked?” I ask, inching ever closer to the edge of my seat. Emma refers once again to her notes.
    “When Mr. Stone threatened to throw Mr. Sprague’s backpack in the trash, Mr. Sprague ran to get Mr. Stone’s backpack from his workstation. Mr. Sprague then dropped Mr. Stone’s backpack out of the classroom window, saying, ‘How do you like that, you effing penis-faced ape ?’ ” It takes everything I have to keep a straight face. I love that kid. Effing. Penis-faced. Ape. Emma takes her glasses off and looks up at me as if she’s just proven her case in court beyond a reasonable doubt. I breathe deep. Collect myself.
    “What you’re describing is someone finally standing up to a renowned bully and then getting penalized for doing so.” Penalized. I can’t help myself.
    “You’re arguing that his actions should be applauded?”
    “Of course not, I’m not condoning violence, but it’s confusing to me why the reasons for the fight haven’t been discussed or looked into by you.”
    “Mr. Sprague should not have provoked him.”
    “I hope you’re not insinuating that Harry, in any way, asked for this beating.”
    “In my opinion, and more importantly the opinion of the Markham School, Harry Sprague is to blame for this altercation.”
    “I disagree. It’s well known that Sean Stone hits people. He’s just too Machiavellian to ever get caught. So, by your logic, and more importantly the logic of the Markham School, the inexperienced kids who finally stand up to their tormenters are the ones who deserve discipline?”
    Emma is quiet. I’m beyond angry but more mystified. How could Emma’s take on this situation be so skewed? Bullying and pecking orders: middle school’s own lovely brand of Darwinism.
    “Mr. Sprague shall be given a warning,” Emma finally says.
    “Verbal only. This will not go into his record,” I say, scooting to the end of my chair.
    “And I’d like to request that we revisit Sean Stone’s ongoing behavioral issues at a later date,” I say.
    “I’ll get back to you on that, Ms. Reid.”
    “Thank you, headmistress.”
    “You’re welcome.” Ha! I didn’t really mean it.
    “Will there be anything else?”
    “No, Ms. Reid.”
    We are quiet.
    Emma continues. “The board looks forward to meeting you and Mrs. Fleming at tonight’s head of department mixer.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” I say, my eyes to the floor. Great.
    “You don’t need to call me ma’am , Ms. Reid,” Emma says. She looks drained.
    “Thank you, headmistress. I’ll take Mr. Sprague with me when I go, if this meets with your approval?” I ask. Standing. Straightening my skirt. Holding my temper. I will not scratch your eyes out, Emma Dunham. I will not blast “We Are the Champions” as I proclaim, “No one is ever going to be free until nerd persecution ends!” No. I will hold it together. For Harry. For the bullied. For nerds everywhere.
    “Yes, that will be fine.” Emma lifts one of the files

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