Moonlight Wishes In Time

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Book: Moonlight Wishes In Time by Bess McBride Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bess McBride
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Crockwell,” he said heavily , “I think it is time I go to see my mother. We must enlist her aid if I am to keep you safe over the coming month.”
    Mattie watched him rise, admiring the long , lean lines of his legs and thrilling to the words “if I am to keep you safe.” She stood to follow him to the door. He turned before he opened the door, looking down into her upturned face.
    “You would do well to finish your breakfast, Miss Crockwell . You will need your strength, for my mother will surely wish to interview you at length, and much more rigorously than I.”
    Mattie’s heart thumped with anxiety, and it must have shown in her face . William softened his voice and regarded her kindly.
    “Do not worry, Miss Crockwell . You will remain here at the house under my protection. I am master here.”
    “Thank you, Mr. Sinclair . Good luck,” she murmured as he slipped through the door.
    William tapped on his mother’s door and entered on hearing her response.
    “Good morning, Mother . How are you?”
    Lucy Sinclair relaxed on a small sapphire-blue velvet sofa sipping hot chocolate, a fetching lace cap perched on her blonde curls, a confection of white lace and pink satin covering her from neck to toe.
    She looked at him in surprise and offered up her cheek for a kiss . William obliged and straightened. He dropped down into a matching blue velvet wingback chair.
    “What brings you here so early, William ? I would have thought you to be riding this morning. It looks to be a fine day.” His mother’s crystal blue eyes strayed toward the open window.
    “I have a matter to discuss with you, Mother, and it cannot wait.”
    His mother lifted a well-groomed eyebrow. “Indeed. Good news, perhaps? Did you meet someone last night after all?” She set her cup of chocolate down on a mahogany side table and eyed him with interest.
    William, who had been staring at the floor, jerked his head up at her words . He stared at her for a moment.
    “One might say that .” He could not help but smile. His mother seemed to have a sixth sense about many things, but had no inkling how close she was to the truth—and yet how far.
    “And who is the fortunate young woman ?” She seemed almost to hold her breath, if one could ever witness her doing such a common thing. William hated to disappoint her, but disappoint her he must.
    He jumped up restlessly . “If you have no objections, Mother, I think Sylvie must be here. It would be foolish to discuss the same matter twice. With your permission, I shall call her in.”
    “William ? Is something wrong?”
    He had reached the door when he turned to see her staring at him with an expression of alarm . He thought to allay her fears but realized he really could not.
    “That remains to be seen, madam.”
    He strode across the hall in three steps and tapped on his sister’s door.
    “Enter,” she called in a voice husky with sleep.
    William opened the door to find the room in darkness, Sylvie still drowsing in bed . He crossed the room to open the heavy velvet drapes, ignoring the subsequent protests.
    “Out of bed, s ister. I need you to come to Mother’s room.”
    Sylvie shot up with a look of alarm matching his mother’s face . “Is something wrong? Mother?”
    “No, no . She is fine. I have a matter of some importance to discuss with both of you, and it cannot wait for long.”
    Sylvie slid nimbly out of bed and grabbed a shawl from a nearby chair while William waited at the door . When she came within arm’s length, he ruffled her hair as he had done when they were younger. She tried to tousle his as well, but failed to reach his head, even on tiptoes.
    “So, what is this important matter?” she mumbled through a yawn as he opened the door to allow her to precede him.
    “You must wait until we reach Mother’s room. I feel I can only explain this once, therefore I wanted to speak to you both at the same time.”
    Sylvie paused to stare at him . “This sounds serious,

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