Moonlight Kin 4: Tristan
gay. He had needs just like any
other male. He just rarely acted upon them.
    Instead, Tristan focused on the job. It took
a special breed of wolf to hunt down your own kind and kill them
without mercy. It wasn’t something he enjoyed, but Tristan was
exceedingly good at the job. There were a few other Enforcers, but
none were better.
    Pierre continued to stare at him until he
squirmed in his seat.
    “She wouldn’t shut up,” Tristan said, trying
to make the Alpha understand. “When she wasn’t threatening to
scream, she tore into me. Since I didn’t have a gag, I improvised.
That was all. The kiss meant nothing.” The lie slipped out before
he could stop it.
    Pierre’s amber eyes glistened. “That’s some
improvisation on your part. I would’ve never thought you had it in
    “It’s been a while, but kissing is not
something one forgets how to do,” he said mockingly.
    “Wish I could’ve been there to see that,”
Pierre said.
    “What did she do when you kissed her?”
    Tristan’s mind blanked. “I don’t understand
the question.”
    Pierre’s lips canted, and his eyes crinkled
in amusement. “Did Isabel smack you? She would’ve had every right
to do so, since I have no doubt you kissed her without
    Tristan hesitated. Where was Pierre going
with this line of questioning? “No, she didn’t strike me, though
Isabel did look like she wanted to,” he said.
    Why hadn’t she hit him? She’d had plenty of
opportunity. Tristan hadn’t exactly been as unaffected by the kiss
as he claimed. He wished the Alpha wasn’t so amused by the
situation, but Pierre had always had an annoying sense of
    “Did she scream or try to run away?” he
    Tristan shook his head. “No, she didn’t do
anything like that.”
    “Hmm...” Pierre said. “Interesting.” He
leaned forward. “I have one final question.”
    “Then ask, so I can put us both out of our
misery,” Tristan said impatiently.
    Pierre chuckled. “Did she kiss you back?”
    Yes , the word whispered through
Tristan’s mind, leaving confusion in its wake.
    He straightened in his seat. “You don’t know
her. Isabel may look soft and tempting, but her tongue spews acid,”
Tristan said. “I am lucky to have flesh left on my bones.”
    A grin parted Pierre’s face. “So she did kiss you back. Fascinating, don’t you think?”
    “Did you not hear what I said?” Tristan ran a
hand through his long white hair. “There is nothing interesting
about this situation,” he said. “Isabel can be utterly infuriating,
when she wants to be. Which is most of the time, I might add.”
    “Yes, I can see that,” Pierre said. “Isabel.”
Her name rolled off his lips.
    The seductive tone made Tristan’s hackles
rise. “That is her name,” he said.
    Pierre carefully blanked his expression. “It
is indeed. Perhaps I need to speak with Isabel once more. I feel
that I prematurely formed my opinion of her.”
    Tristan’s muscles flexed as he gripped the
arms of the chair. “I’ve told you everything,” he said.
    The Alpha gave him a knowing look. “I have
absolutely no doubt, but women can be quite elusive when they want
to be,” he said. “There’s obviously more to Isabel than meets the
    Something akin to panic struck. Pierre was
renowned for his charm and his many conquests. Women of all ages
responded to his devilish good looks. Isabel hadn’t been immune.
Tristan had seen her pupils dilate and heard her pulse jump when
she looked at him. He didn’t want the Alpha anywhere near her.
    “I assure you that she will show you no
respect whatsoever,” Tristan said, trying to dissuade Pierre. “You
are wasting your breath.”
    “If you don’t mind, I’ll be the judge of
that.” Pierre rose from behind his desk.
    Tristan stood, too.
    “Please, have a seat,” he said. “This
shouldn’t take long.” Pierre winked at him. “Or perhaps it will.
One never knows what kind of mischief one can get up to in

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