Montana Actually

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Book: Montana Actually by Fiona Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Lowe
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Medical, Western
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wriggling his toes. He gave her an accusing look. “Nothing appears to be broken.”
    “That’s good. Here you go.” She sat down next to him and handed over the homemade pack.
    He grudgingly accepted it from her and rested it on his foot. “What is it with you and inflicting pain?”
    Her shoulders rose and fell. “Just lucky, I guess. In my defense, my plan was to be finished and gone way before you got back from work, but you’re early.”
    He gave her a long, penetrating look from those rich, expressive eyes. “Are you saying that my getting hurt is my own fault for taking an afternoon off?”
    She grinned. “If you say so.”
    He blinked as if he hadn’t expected the answer. Slowly, the tension in his face faded and then he laughed. A full, loud belly laugh that rocked his body and shifted his weight.
    One minute there was a safe and healthy distance between them, and then the old sofa cushions caved inward, rolling her sideways. Her shoulders bumped into his arm and then she fell across him. Suddenly, she found herself sprawled half on his lap.
    “Sorry,” she spluttered as her body squealed in delight. “This sofa is a disaster.” She tried to move but the sucking cushions pinned her against him—a solid wall of muscle radiating heat. Heat that wove through her, taunting her with delicious quivers that danced and swirled before rushing straight to the apex of her thighs.
    His laughter moved his body under hers and the hard muscles rubbed against her breasts. Her nipples hardened so fast they ached as they scraped against her bra, seeking to touch him. Wanting to break free of the confines of the fabric and feel him, skin on skin. Sensations hammered her—his heat, the collision of his woodsy cologne mixing with a hint of the freshness of antiseptic, and the wondrous feel of him. Her mind clouded around the edges.
    His hand gently cupped the back of her neck, halting her slide across him, and at the same time it made her look up. Up into his handsome face now creased by laughter. Up into eyes full of comedic joy at the ludicrousness of the situation. He met her gaze and a slow, smoldering burn edged out the laughter, turning his eyes the color of silver.
    Her body ignited. She recognized that look—primal attraction. Chemical. Sparked by a rush of endorphins and deliciously addictive. She also knew without a single doubt that her expression matched his.
    Her fingers spread, pressing against his chest, feeling his heart thundering against them, full of vitality. Calling to her.
I’ve missed this
. Her resolve never again to trust primal attraction tumbled backward, falling fast and far, far away from every decision she’d made about her life since leaving Philadelphia. Since leaving Brent.
    His face was now so close to hers that his breath was caressing her skin. All she needed to do was tilt her chin a couple of degrees and her lips would brush his. She already knew his touch and his scent. Now she craved to know his taste.
    One tiny kiss and she’d know.
    Are you completely self-destructive? Stop it.
    The protective scream in her head penetrated the fog that had encased her mind. She moved abruptly, wriggling against him and trying to stand.
    “Shit! You’re stabbing me with a screwdriver.” Josh’s hands gripped her and suddenly she was up and on her feet.
    Her body wept. Flustered, she stammered out, “I’ll get out of your way before I cause any more damage. There are only two doors left to hang and they’re all trimmed and ready. You fit them and I’ll come by tomorrow when you’re at work to pick up my gear.”
    “I don’t fit doors,” he said, his voice sounding both curt and strangled all at the same time.
    The relaxed, sexy and laughing man whose desire-filled eyes mere moments ago had beamed “I want you as much as you want me” had vanished. In his place was the tense and detached doctor who was used to ordering staff around.
    Irritation at his terse tone prickled

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