Mist & Whispers

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Book: Mist & Whispers by C.M. Lucas Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Lucas
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy
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knew they weren’t to be trifled with. The simple-looking one called Barlem, whose neck was practically non-existent between his hulk-like head and shoulders, bound her in chains and flung her over the back of his horse.
    ANYA KICKED HERSELF the entire time they rode through the forest. She thought about the different ways in which she could have handled the situation better. Back-chatting the scary, sword-wielding-men-with-chains probably wasn’t her best idea to date.
    She thought about Stephanie and Tim, and for just a moment, Michael. She hoped they were safe, wherever they had ended up. She wondered how long they would look for her before giving up and trying to find home.
    The journey felt like hours. The men had taken her bag, she couldn’t check the time on her phone. She thought it ridiculous they were walking when these horses had wings. Why not just fly? But then again, she had no idea what fate would have in store for her when they reached their destination, so she kept quiet and used the time to think up an escape plan.
    When the horses finally came to a stop, Barlem pulled her down and told her to follow him. They walked through a camp that reminded her of Robin Hood . There were wooden huts of all sizes with thatched twig roofs, both on the ground and in the trees above them. Rope ladders hung down for access and in the distance she could see a paddock full of more winged horses, all as white as the steeds they were riding on.
    It was as if she had fallen into a fantasy novel. She had trouble believing what was right in front of her, yet the idea of this all being a dream was disappearing with every minute she spent in this bizarre place. Surely she’d have woken from a dream by now?
    ‘I think we’ll let the King decide what t’do wi’you,’ Barlem said, excitement glistening in his eyes.
    That couldn’t be good.
    A fire burned in the centre of the camp across from two makeshift cells where Barlem locked up Anya and the Dragon-Boy.
    Even in the dark, the cell looked poorly constructed; she planned to make a run for it when no one was looking. After the soldiers had gone, she tried nudging one of the crooked posts of wood, but to her surprise it didn’t budge. She hit it harder, but still nothing. It was solid.
    ‘It’s no use,’ came the Dragon-Boy’s pained voice from the next cell.
    The fiery sensation in her chest flared up again, and she wondered whether there had been some kind of venom in the boy’s blood when it touched her. ‘It’s like the house the three little pigs built, I’m sure I could just blow it down if I can find a weak spot,’ Anya said, feeling around the walls for a loose panel.
    ‘You won’t. The Royal’s magic is far too strong for any normal Virtfirthian to break through.’
    Had she heard him right? ‘Magic?’ she repeated sceptically. There was a snap of wood and the Dragon-Boy groaned. ‘Are you taking that arrow out yourself?’
    ‘It won’t heal if I don’t – then I’d be stuck with it forever,’ he muttered under his breath.
    ‘Who are those men?’
    ‘The big one is Faust, the King’s hand and Commander of the Royal Army. He’s vicious, and that’s after a good sleep. The others are just his dogs.’ By the tone of his voice, the Dragon-Boy didn’t think very highly of them.
    ‘I’m Anya, by the way.’ She sat back against the wall, giving up on the escape.
    ‘Arn-yah? What kind of a name is that?’
    ‘What do you mean?’ she asked, suddenly defensive.
    ‘I’ve never heard it before; I wondered where it came from?’ There was a cold detachment in the way he spoke.
    ‘It’s Hebrew. I Googled it once.’
    ‘Hee-brew’. Is that close by?’
    ‘You’re kidding, right?’ She took his silence as a no . ‘So, if you don’t mind me asking, where are we?’
    ‘This is the Royal Camp – it’s been here since the castle was taken by the Darkness.’
    Now he mentioned it, it was still dark. She wasn’t sure how long they had

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