Microsoft Word - Fates_Second_Chance-AJ_Jarrett.doc

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Book: Microsoft Word - Fates_Second_Chance-AJ_Jarrett.doc by Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn
    Would they be happy and understand or would they run for the hills screaming in fear? A deep sigh passed my lips. I wished I could just tell them the truth.
    Ross looked at me as if I had lost my mind. "Are you nuts? They would think you're insane if you told them.
    People say they believe in the Big Boss Man and angels, but if you go spouting off about what happened to you, they would lock you up and throw away the key."
    "Boundaries, Ross!"
    I looked up at Ross's red face. He was right. They 73

    probably would think I was insane but that didn't mean I had to agree with him. They might accept what I told them.
    Movement caught my eye and I looked to where Ross stood by the stove. He was shaking his head at me.
    Ross turned around and threw his hands up in
    frustration. "I'm sorry, Marc. I really wish you could tell them but they wouldn't believe you and it would hurt our chances of fixing this mess."
    I nodded my agreement with him. Ross was right. I was too close to getting what I always wanted and didn't want to screw up the progress I had made, even if I didn't agree with the method. Ross fixed our plates and brought them to the table.
    "So how are you feeling in your new body?" Ross asked as he wiped off his mouth.
    I looked up to meet his gaze. This body was like wearing a favorite shirt, nice and comfortable. "Great. I feel more comfortable in this one than I did as a woman."
    "That's because you weren't a woman. You have a soul and mind of a man, so walking around in a woman's body was unnatural to you. I have to say, I'm impressed you adapted as well as you did." Ross patted my hand and pride shown in his eyes.
    I smirked up at Ross. "Hey, you have to work with what you got. I knew I didn't feel normal but I didn't know 74

    why." I got up to clear the table. "Had I known my angel was sleeping on the job, I would have been extremely pissed."
    "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I really do feel bad and now I'm trying to make things right,"
    Ross said as he stuck his lower lip out in a pout. "I know my mistake made your life hard and for that I am truly sorry."
    I could see Ross trying to hold back his tears. It was good to know he had feelings and was somewhat human. I stood up and went to give him a hug. He was my friend. Of course, I could forgive him. I leaned back to see Ross smiling at me. He'd done it again. "Boundaries."
    "I know, but I'm glad I heard it. You're my friend, too. Now let's go watch some reruns of Buffy . I really like that Angel guy."
    We watched TV until eleven, and then I had to call it a night. I had work in the morning then a date with Shawn in the evening. This new life of mine was working out just right.


Chapter Five
    A week later, everything seemed to be going great.
    Shawn and I spent all our free time together when we weren't working and even hung out with Serena over the weekend. We were a family again. I was confident in my odds for succeeding with getting Shawn to fall in love with me. I was head over heels in love with him; of course, I already had been to begin with. Only this love was the kind you had for a lover.
    I sat patiently at our table waiting for Shawn to come back from the restaurant's restroom. Shawn was working on a construction job downtown so we met up to eat. Kansas City was really starting to grow and change.
    There were many nice places to go to in the downtown area. When I was Marie, I avoided going into the city. I hated the traffic and one-way streets, but after dying, I was willing to try anything. I didn't want to miss a thing this time around.
    I spotted Shawn coming back to the table. He had a little smile on his face. He still wore his work clothes and I had to admit I loved him in his dusty clothes. I loved to smell him after he got off work, the sweet scent of sun warmed skin and sweat. I groaned to myself as I realized

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