Meta (Book 3): Rise of The Circle

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Book: Meta (Book 3): Rise of The Circle by Tom Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Reynolds
Tags: Science Fiction | Superheroes
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something. I'm going back to the car to get another box. Start setting this stuff up. I've got to get going back to Bay View City pretty soon, especially if the traffic is still this bad."
    "I'm pretty sure the traffic was leaving the city that's been taken over by megalomaniacal super-powered dictators, not going into it."
    "Oh yeah, you're probably right. I don't drive enough to think about these things, I guess." Derrick exits the room and walks down the hallway, back toward the staircase we took up to my new room.
    "You know, you can keep the car here if you're not going to use it," I yell out the door and down the hallway. Derrick laughs even harder at this than he did to my reaction to the size of the room.
    I take another look around, hoping that it'll feel a little bit better now that there're half as many human beings inside of it. Nope, still looks ridiculously tiny. Maybe I am spoiled, but one of the upsides of having a brother who's so much older than me is that I’ve never had a share a room before.
    "That's my bed, bro," a voice behind me announces.
    I turn around just as the owner of the voice squeezes past me and into the narrow cinder block room. He's bigger than me by a fair amount, and I mean that in terms of both height and width. While he's not exactly in great shape, he's not what you would call fat either. If I had to guess, I'd say he spends a good chunk of his day at the gym, though. He's wearing a pair of mesh lacrosse shorts, a plain red t-shirt, and a sweat-stained baseball hat that he’s turned backward and is resting on top of a nest of curly brown hair.
    He doesn't offer his name or what he's doing here, so I'm left on my own to guess that he's my roommate. Great.
    "So, are you my roommate?" I ask, trying to start something resembling a conversation.
    "Yeah," he grunts back, not looking up from his phone to greet me. He's standing in the corner of the room, leaning up against one of the two bare desks. After a few seconds, I realize that he’s serious about the bed my stuff is currently on being his.
    "Uh, if you want this bed, that's cool. I didn't know someone was in here yet, so I just threw my stuff down on the first-" I begin to say as I pick up my bag. Before I can finish, though, I'm interrupted by my new roommate almost kicking me in the face as he plops down hard on the bed I just vacated. During the entire movement, his eyes never strayed from his phone. Guess he was really serious about wanting this bed.
    "Tyler, honey, where do you want us to put your things?"
    I look up and see a middle-aged woman struggling with a box that’s almost the size of her. Instinctively, I rush over to help her with the box right before it looks like it's about to topple onto the floor. My new roomie doesn't even bother looking up from his phone.
    "Thank you so much," the woman says. "You must be Tyler's roommate. How exciting!" She puts her hand out for me to shake it.
    "Yeah, that's me it looks like. I'm Connor Connelly. It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. ..."
    "Gordon, and it's Miss, but that makes me feel old, so please, just call me Stephanie."
    "Okay, Stephanie," I say, feeling awkward calling a grown-up by their first name, which is weird because I hadn’t felt awkward about calling a grown-up “Midnight” for the past few months.
    "Give it a rest, Mom," Tyler says from what is now officially his bed before he heaves himself up. "Are you going to get the rest of my stuff or what?"
    Stephanie Gordon gives me a 'what are you gonna do, kids will be kids' sort of look and turns around only to walk right into Derrick, who is carrying a box that is blocking his view almost entirely. He stumbles and drops the box, spilling my underwear out onto the floor. This makes Tyler laugh maniacally. He’s definitely laughing way harder than how funny the situation actually is, which even I'll admit is kinda funny if for no other reason than Derrick is more embarrassed about it than I am.
    "Oh my goodness. I am

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