Men of London 03 - Suit Yourself

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Book: Men of London 03 - Suit Yourself by Susan Mac Nicol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mac Nicol
warmed to his subject.
“There’s something about sitting in front of a computer and
listening to what a client wants, then trying to put it all
together. It’s pretty creative, actually, to try and be different,
when everyone thinks a porn site is all about hot bods and fucking.
Of course that’s the main thing, but there’s also the merchandising
aspect, the advertising revenues, the ability to let your fans
interact with you too, and share their fantasies. It’s about
creating something special where people can lose themselves. I
created the Nicky Starr site myself and let me tell you, it’s
damned hard work.” He stopped at the look of merriment on Leslie’s
face. “What?”
    “God, you are such a geek. It’s adorable.”
Leslie’s blue eyes twinkled with mirth.
    Oliver flushed. He had been rambling a bit. “Sorry, I get carried away
    “I love it,” Leslie purred. “It’s a bit like
me when I talk fashion and fabrics. Then all anyone wants to do is
stuff something in my mouth to make me shut up.”
    And didn’t that thought make Oliver harder than a stick of dynamite. His expression
must have communicated his thoughts because Leslie’s pale face
pinked up.
    “Oh, wait, I didn’t mean it that way…”
    Oliver couldn’t help himself. He burst out
laughing and soon Leslie had joined in and they were both chortling
like school kids. Enrico cast them a dirty glance—Oliver thought it
might have been directed at him.
    When the dirty thoughts stopped circling his
brain at just how much he’d like to shut Leslie up, Oliver wiped
his eyes.
    “Hell. That just tickled me.” For one brief
moment, he forgot his scar and tucked the hair that hung down his
face behind his right ear. No sooner had he realised what he’d
done, than he flicked it back again in panic, covering it up.
    Leslie leant forward and ran a warm finger
down his jawline, taking care not to touch the jagged scar. Oliver
hadn’t had anyone touch that side of his face in years. His heart
and body thrummed with need and yearning.
    “Maybe one day you’ll tell me exactly how you
got that.” Leslie moved his hand away as Oliver swallowed and then
looked down at the table. A long moment later, he looked up into
Leslie’s cerulean eyes. They were warm and there was no pity in
    I can do this.
    He took a deep breath. “I was twenty-three
and I thought I was immortal. Untouchable. It was the height of my
career and I had everything a man could want. A career, more money
than I knew what to do with and a radical motorbike.” His lips
twisted in a smile. “His name was Hulk and he was huge and green
just like Bruce Banner when he turned. I’d been to a party and got
shit-faced on coke.” He stopped, his throat dry. “I was pretty
addicted to the stuff. It helped me cope with the demands of
performing and the pressure to be someone constantly.” He didn’t want to get into the reason for him being at
that party that night and getting out of control. That was a story
for another time.
    Leslie’s calm face watched him without
judgement. The only trace of emotion in his face was the slight tic
in his jaw.
    “That night all the guys wanted to check out
the porn star, see how good he was. I ended up screwing about three
or four of them. I needed some encouragement so I was as high as a
bloody kite. Coke and booze. Then I got on Hulk to race one of
them. It was a macho display that everyone knew wouldn’t end well.
But I didn’t listen.” He closed his eyes as the memories flooded
back. “I hit a bend, slid and then hit the side of the road. It was
pretty rocky and I went flying, straight over a barbed wire fence
and into a field. The thing was, there was a load of scrap metal in
a pile in the middle of the grass and it ripped my face and my
right arm wide open, as well as the side of my body.”
    Leslie made a small sound of horror and
reached over to take Oliver’s hand in his. Oliver curled his large
fingers around

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