Mated in Mist
research tenfold. The one that had led him on the path to the witches had promised him that their potential was unmatched. Montag had wanted to use that for his men, either by finding a way to harness that power or by having them join him on his side of unity.
    Then the witches had fought back in a way he hadn’t predicted.
    They’d also run to the damn wolves and gotten too close for comfort.
    His men had shot the witches, and the wolves had taken the bodies. He still didn’t know if they were alive or dead, but what he did know was that he didn’t have them in hand. He’d find out what happened and do what he could to get them back. The one that had betrayed the twins in the first place had promised great things, and Montag wanted everything that came with that.
    His men had failed.
    And that couldn’t be allowed.
    His men had been unsuccessful at taking care of the wolf problem a year ago on that grassy hill during the Unveiling, as well.
    He was becoming impatient. And when he was impatient, people died.
    Montag stormed through the building, glancing through the circle windows in each door. Screams echoed from the rooms as the experiments continued, but Montag only thought of that as progress. Without loss, without study, he couldn’t move on to the next phase. Wolves and witches cried and growled, but their bodies were part of the science that came with his strategy.
    The coppery scent of blood in the air just proved that progress was being made.
    He passed the chambers where the cages lay and entered the large gym where his men trained. They were his secret team, one that would lead to great things. They didn’t know it yet, but these human soldiers would be his greatest accomplishment in the supernatural world.
    There were twenty men. The best of the best, hand-picked for this assignment. Only they didn’t know the extent of their duties—nor did they know what went on beneath their feet. Soon, Montag would enlighten them. But first, he needed them trained.
    His best soldier was a man named Shane Bruins. The man was a machine—smart, agile, and strong as hell. If it weren’t for the fact that Bruins seemed to think more than he should, he’d be perfect. The damn man didn’t exactly question orders, but Montag could see the thoughts in his eyes.
    Bruins would be the first to see the next step of his strategy.
    Then Bruins would question no more.
    He’d be Montag’s perfection.
    His plan.
    His immortality.


Chapter Five
    If Leah were a wolf, she would howl at the moon until the pain within her soul didn’t feel so deep. The irony of her situation, her presence within the den, was not lost on her, but it didn’t help alleviate the agony.
    They were burying her brother today.
    Never again would she hear his laugh, see the water dance along his skin as he played a game. She’d never see him smile or see him spell. He would never find a woman to love, who would love him in return. He would never raise little babies and let her hold them. Those babies would never call her Aunt Leah. She would never be able to spoil them and show them water tricks to play on their dad.
    All of it lost in a moment of terror and panic.
    And yet, it didn’t seem quite real.
    Because they weren’t part of a coven, Roland wouldn’t be put to ground like their ancestors. Of course, their mother hadn’t been either, as she’d died in a hovel, out of sight of those who would shame her and her children. As each year passed, Leah knew her fate would be the same.
    She would die alone and be buried within land that was not hers.
    However, the wolves buried her brother with the same care they would have their Pack. They bowed their heads and said their prayers to the goddess. Gideon and Brandon spoke words of solace while the neighboring Pack, the Redwoods, sent some of their own to honor Roland.
    She didn’t understand the depth of their devotion to peace and the strength of the Pack, but she knew she would be forever

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