‘None that haven’t led us up the garden path.’
‘So, hold on—I understand that the powers-that-be are getting their knickers in a twist about revolutionary forces at work on our depressed streets; but you still haven’t told me why they, sorry—why the King —has brought you in as Commissioner. Surely your skills would be better used elsewhere. Couldn’t SIS have just lent you to Special Branch for a few months?’
‘Well, between you and me, Harley.’ Swales lowered his voice. ‘It would appear that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.’
‘Meaning, exactly?’
‘Corruption—a long, deep varicose vein of it running through the Met. It seems that the scandal with Sir Leo Money, and that Sergeant Goddard affair … well, they were just the tip of the iceberg, by all accounts. Commissioner Horwood’s handling of those two cases left a lot to be desired. And unfortunately my predecessor, Viscount Byng, merely scratched at the surface of the problem. Consequently His Majesty has lost a little faith in our somewhat overzealous Home Secretary—Ambrose Box-Hartnell.’
‘Indeed, “ABH”—a rather apposite sobriquet; one can always rely on the great British public to sniff out the true essence of a man.’
‘Really? I’m not so sure. How do you explain the popularity of Sir Pelham Saint Clair then? I personally don’t see much difference between him and your Signor Mussolini—or that thug Hitler, for that matter.’
‘Ah! But there’s a great difference. You must admit that Sir Pelham—and it’s pronounced Sinclair you know, Harley, he’d be mortified to hear you call him Saint Clair —Sir Pelham is a thoroughly British kind of fascist. He is a baronet after all.’
‘As if that makes any difference—all the more dangerous, if you ask me.’
‘Oh, come now, George—I’m pulling your leg! Couldn’t resist a little poke at that chip on your shoulder—you were always so easily riled. Rest assured—the relevant people are keeping a close eye on Sir Pelham and his British Brotherhood of Fascists.’
‘Yes, but who watches the watchmen , eh? … Anyway, come on—The King?’
‘Ah yes, well. Over the last few years—for reasons that I shan’t go into now—His Majesty has granted me the honour of inviting me into his close circle of advisers. And having lost a little faith in his Home Secretary, he, shall we say, “applied a little pressure” in having me appointed as Commissioner—with the explicit instruction of tackling the endemic corruption … and also dealing with the immediate threat posed by these anarchist bombings.’
‘Blimey, that’s some brief! Rather you than me. And the knighthood?’
‘Ah yes, well—comes with the job I’m afraid.’
‘Well, good luck Sir Frederic! I’d say you’re gonna need it.’
Harley finished off his whisky. ‘Alright then—so what about me?’
‘Why did you have me brought in? I thought I was getting lumbered.’
‘Ah. Well, you see, I’ve already implemented some new tactics—techniques you’d recognize from the SIS. One of which is to try to get better cross-communication between the Borough Operational Command Units. You know the sort of thing—sharing relevant intelligence. I’ve brought a couple of my best chaps over with me from the Firm; we’re doing a whirlwind tour of the stations, bit of a “meet and greet” affair. One of the directives is for the station commanders to make a review of all the cases in the last six months and highlight any reports involving foreign nationals, to pick up anything that we may have missed regarding these anarchist johnnies, d’you see?’
‘How can you be so sure that this group are foreigners?’
‘We can’t be sure—but on review of the evidence so far, I’d say it’s a fair assumption; certainly a line of enquiry that needs following up. So we arrive here at Savile Row, the Chief Inspector shows me how the process
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