Marrying The Bear (Gray Bears 1)
clapped in
delight. “Wonderful! Oh, this is simply wonderful!”
    Alisa watched the two women
hug and congratulate each other. She should be the one doing the
happy dance, but it seemed Glynda and Neveah were doing enough
celebrating for the three of them. Which was a little strange. Why
were they so happy to have her as a chef? They didn't even ask for
her resume or anything.
    “I've only worked as a
fry cook in a small eatery.” Alisa felt she should be honest
with them. “And I've been out of a job for almost a month now.
I don't have much...”
    Neveah waved a hand. “You'll
love it here. We promise.”
    “No, I wasn't...”
    “Oh, of course!”
Glynda slapped a hand to her forehead. “She thinks we're
    Alisa gasped. “No, no,
that's not...”
    “Tell you what,”
Glynda said, peering intently into the screen. “We'll deposit
your first month's salary into your back account right now. You
don't believe you got the job? We'll prove it!”
    “Yeah.” Neveah
rustled up a piece of paper and grabbed a pen. “What's your
account number?”
    Alisa hesitated for half a
minute. She had fifty dollars left in her account and she was hoping
she didn't have to touch that last fifty. But what the heck. What
harm could it do, giving these ladies her account number? What could
they do, scam her out of fifty bucks?
    She told them her account
    “Okay, just give me a
minute, Alisa,” Neveah said, pushing her glasses up her nose.
“I'll transfer the money right now, and you can go check your
account.” Neveah got up and disappeared from the screen.
    Glynda remained in front of
the computer, smiling happily at her. She nodded at Alisa and
murmured, “Really pretty. Ahh, I can't wait!” She began
to giggle to herself.
    Can't wait for what?
    Alisa squirmed but decided
not to ask.
    “Where is Broomstick
Inn?” she asked instead.
    “Oh. Right here in
Shadow Point,” Glynda said. “Neveah and I have been
running Broomstick Inn for years. Neveah is my best friend, but she
can be a pain in the ass sometimes.”
    Alisa smiled. She could see
that the two ladies were as close as sisters. They squabbled like
siblings but they were tight. Even on a computer screen she could
see that. It made her feel all the more alone in the world, and she
was glad that tonight she was actually talking to someone in her
silent, empty apartment.
    “Have you ever been to
Shadow Point?” Glynda chatted as she sipped a big mug of tea.
    “No. But I know where
it is. It's a little town about eight hours' drive from where I am
now. It's, um...” One of the few towns that has
more paranormal than human inhabitants.
    Glynda inclined her
head. “Would you feel comfortable living and working in Shadow
Point? You're human, and you'll be surrounded by paranormals...”
    “No!” Alisa said
immediately. “I mean, no, I don't have a problem with
paranormals.” She thought briefly of Ben and Lucy. They were
both human like her, yet she hadn't understood or known them at all.
“I think I'll like it at Shadow Point.” A new place, a
fresh start. And hopefully, a real shot at a happy life.
    Glynda smiled. “Do
you drive, Alisa?” Her smile faded and she began to look
worried. “It's a long drive. Maybe I should get Tristan to
fetch you...”
    “No, no, I can drive
there. I have a car.” She didn't tell Glynda that her car was
a rattling, rickety tin can that was running on borrowed time. She
had tried to sell her car, but no one would buy it.
    “But driving eight
hours...” Glynda shook her head. “No, I think I'd
better send Tristan over and...”
    Before she could finish,
Neveah came back and announced, “The money is in your account!
Go check. Now, Alisa!”
    “Now,” Glynda and
Neveah urged in earnest.
    “Okay, I'll just check
online then.” Alisa opened another window and typed in her
banking details. Her eyes bugged when she saw her bank balance.
Instead of the measly fifty bucks, there was a

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