Marked by the Alpha

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Book: Marked by the Alpha by Adaline Raine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adaline Raine
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from a small pack that live d about twenty miles from here.”
    Mason let out a breath and covered Dani with a towel. “ I’ll come see what is going on after Dani and I finish our conversation,” he said, sounding distracted.
    “You don’t understand, Mason,” Phil continued insistently. “He was wounded by silver-cored bullets. If Tyler and Jessie hadn’t found him while they were out scouting, he probably wouldn’t have survived. He says that the rest of his pack was slaughtered by a large group of hunters, and he was the only one who escaped. He thinks they ' re coming here next. He hid in the woods after they wounded him and he overheard them talking. He says that after we killed those men who took Dani , hunters from all around the region started gathering, and they plan to wipe us out.”
    Mason clenched his jaw and clasped Phil on the shoulder. “Alright, go and assemble the pack. I have to talk to Dani and then I’ll come out.”
    Phil gave a low growl , and great stress was evident on his face . “Mason, you are the leader of this pack, and we need you right now. I hope that you would not endanger all of our lives simply because Dani has yet to become your mate and you want to chat with her about it. ”
    As he spoke, Mason’s face grew dark and angry and his eyes burned orange. He stepped close enough to Phil that their bodies were nearly touching, but Phil didn’t back down. He stood his ground, c hest - to - chest with Mason .
    Dani had never seen two men closer to ripping each other to pieces, and she wanted to say something to calm the situation, but no words came to her and she stood silent and frozen in place.
    Phil pointed at Dani but kept his eyes on his pack leader . “Mason, t his situation is very serious . I don’t know what is going through your mind, but you can worry about your female later— ”
    It was as if something snapped inside Mason, and suddenly his face was a mask of pure rage. He growled savagely and shoved Phil hard enough that he was thrown backwards across the room and slammed against the wall. Mason started toward him with lethal intent , but at last Dani found her voice.
    “Mason, no!” she screeched in terror, and then grabbed his arm to try to hold him back . Seemingly without comprehending who was holding him back, he tossed her aside. She hit the edge of the tub hard and her vision swam in colors. Dani tried to keep her eyes open but her head hurt too much , and she lost consciousness.
    * * *
    Phil took a step forward and shoved Mason, hard enough to shake him. “Look! Look at what you just did to your mate! Get ahold of yourself!”
    Mason growled and slammed Phil back into the wall before turning around and dropping to all fours. Dani was lying against the tub and there was blood dripping down the side of her face. Mason shook his head in a panic. “I’m sorry … oh Dani , I’m sorry.”
    Phil crawled over to Mason and kept very low to the ground. He did not want to cause another outburst , but Mason was in no position to take care of Dani . “I’m going to bring Dani downstairs and call Cal. I need you to go for a run and calm down, Mason, please listen to me.”
    Mason shook his head. “No, I did this, and I need to fix it.” He started to reach for her but then stopped , reconsidering. “I am so sorry that my actions caused this. You’re right , I need to calm myself .” Mason stood slowly. “Please take care of Dani .” With that Mason ran out of the room and down the stairs.
    Phil managed to find the towel to save some of Dani’s decency as he scooped her up. “ Dani , can you hear me?” He pressed his palm to her head and tried to stop the bleeding.
    Dani groaned against his chest and opened her eyes at last . “Phil?” She took in a breath. “I’m fine . I’m upset, but I’m fine.”
    “Listen, you smacked your head pretty hard, and I just want Cal to look you over.” Phil took his time walking down the stairs , being

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