Mark Me

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Book: Mark Me by Shawn Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn Bailey
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crème-colored carpet. “You’ll have to hold this first,” he said, handing Eli a bag containing their dinner. He took off his shoes, stepped inside and kissed Eli. Instead of meeting the usual resistance, Eli stood still and allowed the affection.
    “Hmm, you’re in a good mood.”
    “You’re here,” Eli said, closing the door and leading him through the pristine apartment. For an eighteen year old, Eli really had it going on. He had a fancy car, a scholarship to a prestigious college, and a beautiful, energy-efficient, two-bedroom apartment. Am I insane?
    This kid is way out of my league .
    Eli led him to the kitchen and placed the food on a white marble countertop, next to bright-red, small appliances.
    Dimitri opened the stainless steel refrigerator and found it stocked with food and a six-pack of his favorite beer. Touching . Eli had thought enough about him to get someone to purchase it just for him.
    “Let me give you the grand tour.”
    Dimitri nodded. He’d follow Eli to the end of the earth if he had to. But at the moment he enjoyed the tour of the living room with its formal French provincial furnishing. No doubt his mother had a hand in the selection. Like the kitchen, the living room had that new, never-been-used smell.
    Eli’s violin rested on a stand in his den-turned-music room. On the walls were pictures of famous violinists and one of Eli and his friend Randall. Dimitri studied the picture. Both young men wore white suits and it appeared to be taken at some music hall. They looked happy together. He grimaced, not liking what he saw or the way it made him feel. Jealousy had never been his thing.
    Eli led him out of the room and up the stairs, first to the guest bedroom and finally into his. Dimitri eyed the king-sized maple bed, and winked at Eli who blushed profusely. He drew his attention away from his lover to check out the matching dresser and chest of drawers.
    Dimitri opened the double closet doors. Except for a couple pairs of dress pants and two suits, everything else was jeans and T-shirts.
    He also had too many shoes for a young man. “I’m going to miss those preppy boy outfits,” he teased.
    “I can’t go to college looking like a dweeb,” Eli said, heading toward the master bathroom.
    Dimitri followed him in and stared at the bathtub big enough for two. The beige, brown, and green color scheme matched the master bedroom. Little cakes of rose-scented soap rested in a white porcelain dish on the back of the toilet seat. Dimitri spied two toothbrushes.
    “You do live here alone, don’t you?”
    Eli nodded. “I picked up another one just in case I got an overnight guest.”
    “Ooh, I like a man with high expectations.” Dimitri eyed the tub again, noticing the bottle of lavender-scented bubble bath. “I haven’t had a bubble bath since I was a kid. Do you mind?”
    “What about dinner?” Eli asked.
    “I think I saw a fancy microwave in the kitchen,” Dimitri said, turning on the water and filling the tub with a capful of the lavender liquid. He removed his shirt and Eli looked away with an impish smile. “Strip, preppy,” Dimitri ordered. “I need someone to wash my back.”

Chapter Six
    Regardless of what he thought, sex in a bathtub didn’t hold a candle to sex in a brand new bed. They’d given the bathtub the old college try, but Dimitri’s cock kept slipping out of him and porcelain, though pretty, was hell on the knees. Dimitri just gave up, hauled him out of the tub and carried him into the master bedroom. Moments later Dimitri had found Eli’s new stash of condoms and fruit-flavored gel he’d hidden and was now on his knees, licking the pineapple-flavored lube off Eli’s greased-up pubic area.
    Eli groaned. He felt like a sticky mess and he couldn’t do anything but lay there since Dimitri had tied his arms to the headboard with two of Eli’s expensive silk ties.
    “This would be perfect if we had some whipped crème,” Dimitri said as he ran his

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